My Yellow Tang hasent eaten since we purchased it!



My yellow tang hasent eaten for 3 days now. Im worried so much. We feed him frozen brine shrimp formula 2 and nori(seaweed).


I feed mine Seaweed Selects green algae, and he loves it! Sorry to hear your tang isn't eating, but he should start soon (hopefully). How was he acclimated, and what are your water perameters? Also, does he have any obnoxious tank mates, and what size tank is he in?


Also, I tried several different kinds of algae to find which he liked at first. They can be fairly picky, so you should try something else. Marine algae should be the staple of his diet.


My parameters are Amonia 0
PH 8.2
nitrate 1
nitrite is at o
He looks kinda shy.
if we look at him he runs into the glass.


It doesn't sound like he has any bothersome roomies. He's probably just a bit shy right now. I bought a Naso Tang last Saturday. He's been very shy all week and is just now appearing comfortable when I walk by the quarantine tank. He seems unaffected by the blue and gold macaw to the right of him and the umbrella cockatoo to the left but for some reason, when I walk by, he runs and hides - go figure! Today is the first day he hasn't run behind the coral skeleton I have in the tank to hide from me like he normally does. He hasn't turned all dark and spotty like he's been doing either. I've also noticed that he appears to be swimming around more and playing with the bubbles at the top of the tank. I think the tangs just may need some extra time to adjust to their new surroundings. My Naso is eating the brown algae like there's no tomorrow! They can actually go longer than you think without eating but it's a good sign once they do start to eat. Just be patient and give him time to adjust. Good luck!


I wouldn't be overly concerned just yet. Give it a few more days to settle into its new home. They can be somewhat shy at first so give it time to chill. Attach the nori to a food clip and let is sit there for a while. I am sure the Tang will begin to nibble at it.


Yeah - thinking about it, my YT and my Powder Blue were the same way. When I first got them, they would eat after i left the room. I guess when I left they felt safe. It took almost a week for my PBT to get used to his new 200gal. Now he eats next to the YT infront of any audience. :)


the tank has been up for about 6 months now and he ate alot this morning.
no more problem now.!!