My yellow tang is very sick please help


New Member
I have purchased a yellow tang from my lfs about 2 weeks ago..She will not eat and she seems to have a small thin lair of slime on her..She swims fine but is very thin..She is always stressed out no matter what i do..She is in qt right now..Any advice would be nice..I have tried administuring quick cure in her tank..Dont know if it is helping..she wont eat brine shirmp,nori,seaweed,flakes,lettuce,garlic,or anything..PLEASE HELP i dont want her to die and i just dont know what to do anymore..her home is a 140 gallon tank..plenty of room..She lives with a niger trigger,3damsels,6lined wrasse,and a perc clown.


What did she look like whenyou purchased her? Was she eating in the store? I always put fish on hold in the store and visit them to see if they are eating and thriving before I purchase them. Yellow tangs are ssensitive to water temp changes and seem to stress and perish pretty easily unless already thriving. This fish could have been caught using cyanide and will never recover from the effects of that.
Right now, I would not treat if you dont know what the problem is. Make sure your water parameters are perfect and the tank is warm enough, at least 79-80% My tang gobbles up seaweed sheets on a lettuce clip. You did not mention that in the myriad of food choices you have provided. You might try zoecon or garlic to see if that will stimulate its appetite, but ou may be looking at internal parasites or cyanide posining.
Do not buy a thing fish, ever, and ho pe they will thrive in your tank. Its too big a risk.


Originally Posted by Granny
What did she look like whenyou purchased her? Was she eating in the store? I always put fish on hold in the store and visit them to see if they are eating and thriving before I purchase them. Yellow tangs are ssensitive to water temp changes and seem to stress and perish pretty easily unless already thriving. This fish could have been caught using cyanide and will never recover from the effects of that.
Right now, I would not treat if you dont know what the problem is. Make sure your water parameters are perfect and the tank is warm enough, at least 79-80% My tang gobbles up seaweed sheets on a lettuce clip. You did not mention that in the myriad of food choices you have provided. You might try zoecon or garlic to see if that will stimulate its appetite, but ou may be looking at internal parasites or cyanide posining.
Do not buy a thing fish, ever, and ho pe they will thrive in your tank. Its too big a risk.
Welcome to the boards! This post pretty much covers it all. Keep the lights low and just keep trying to feed her. Stop using the medication.