Originally Posted by
Speg, i read some of your entries and that is so sad about your friend. also good job on the wieght loss!!! I am trying to lose a few pounds myslef and will look to you for encouragment!! I don't have a page i am not really on the web much so i don't have anything like your all's pages.
My friend is me.
I lost 20 lbs in less than a month and now i'm looking pretty freakin sharp

I cut out all the soda I was drinking which was a lot.. I only drink water and a glass of milk every other day. I eat a lot of tuna and fruits/veggies that dont have anything added to them (like no salt/sugar/etc).
I eat spaghetti sometimes on the diet. I use a measuring cup and measure off exactly 1cup of noodles and add just enough sauce to cover the spaghetti and then I add a finely chopped clove of garlic.
I basically just started eating healthier and also much less. I am not a fat guy and I never was. I just wasnt thin either.. I used to go to Su
ay for example and get 2 footlong subs (2 for $8.99!).. i'd bring them home and end up eating both of them within a hour. Now I cut it back to 6 inches and thats it.
I have also taken up running.. I decided to just go run one day and was amazed that for the first time in my life I could actually run a whole mile non-stop.. being so thrilled with myself I kept doing it and i'm still doing it and plan on going today. I am up to 2 miles non-stop now and I plan on running at least 5 miles nonstop in 6 months. I've also been exercising other areas to try and tone up in the places i've lost weight. I am so sexy now

You should see me! haha.
If you need help or encouragement just let me know... dont try tv diets and stuff.. they just dont work. You just gotta get off your butt and make it a priority to lose weight and not cheat at all.