Mysterious Conveyor Belt Tentacles


Active Member
Yes thats what best describes what they do. They grab my sand and it moves up the tentacle like it has a built in conveyor belt. Very interesting to watch. The tentacles are in pairs and are clear white. They are roughly a half an inch to an inch long and about as thick as angel hair pasta if not smaller. They are taking some of the sand and building tubes. Its very interesting to watch. I imagine the tubes will be bigger in the morning. They are all over this rock i just got along with some other smaller tubes with multi tentacles.
Anyone know what the tentacle pairs are? I'm just curious to give them a name.


Active Member
No i can't take any pictures. I have a feeling they are a form of tube worm since they have actually taken the sand and made tubes out of it. THey can also retract into the rock itself. They are just fascinating and don't seem to be hurting anything.