Mysterious crab??


New Member
A friend of mine has a nano tank. She just purchased a piece of live rock, and this little guy came out of it.
Any ideas? (The photo is in true color)


yea looks very much like a gorilla crab from the fuzziness but may be wrong.i would take him out and kill him.most crabs ive seen like that are very dangerous.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fish_Feed6
i suggest hitting him with a hammer

That's terrible...but it made me laugh over my coffee


i would not kill him thats just cruel.... get him out and take him to your pet store. even if they wont give you credit for him, just tell them you dont want it in your tank.


Originally Posted by DevilBoy
i would not kill him thats just cruel.... get him out and take him to your pet store. even if they wont give you credit for him, just tell them you dont want it in your tank.

my luck they would put him back in a tank, and he would be on a rock i bought later...