mystery crab


Originally Posted by FranktheTank
Uh oh, get ready for the crab lovers to flame you for shipping him down the toilet!
He looks scary!
I have no sump or he would have gone in. All I know is everyone who I spoke to said get rid of it. It was the toilet or the garbage. I figured a nasty guy like that might like the sewer.....


Originally Posted by bolt696
Hey, I found this guy in my tank. Took almost 4 months to catch him. tried all kinds of traps with all different foods, never fell for it. When I went from my 55 to 125 I finally got the

. He was the size of a silver dollar. He ate almost all my clean up crew. Every morning I would wake up and find a pile of shells. I beleive it is a gorilla crab but never confirmed it. This was huge. I am lucky I was wearing diving gloves because it crabbed my finger and would not let go for 30-40 seconds. Here is a pick, and the best one I have seen. End result, he took a nice swim down the toilet......

IMO, this does not look like a Gorilla Crab. The crab you flushed looks like one of the "cupped" not "pointed" claw crabs. I have one in my tank, he was a hitchhiker. He has not harmed anything in my tank and just scrapes the rocks to help clean up. At first he was tiny and very scared, would only come out at night. Then little by little he came out more, but was still very unsure about me walking by the tank. Now he couldn't care less. I can get right up to the tank and check him out. I have one Emerald Crab in there also. They look just about the same except for color of course. He only seems to scrape rocks and eat that, he doesnt touch any bubble algae or any other types of algae or corals for that matter. I consider him part of my clean-up crew. Nice picture of the crab BTW.


Active Member
Yea, he does have algae eating like claws. Had you seen anything killed by this crab?
I feel terrible for this crab now!!! You killed an innocent creature!!!!!!!!!!!
Crab killer!


Originally Posted by FranktheTank
Yea, he does have algae eating like claws. Had you seen anything killed by this crab?
I feel terrible for this crab now!!! You killed an innocent creature!!!!!!!!!!!
Crab killer!

All I know is I posted it on several sites and every reply was GET IT OUT. I also know that now that it is gone, no more empty shells from clean up crew.
Just so no more people are mad, I posted a picture and asked if anyone wanted it and had no takers.
If it makes you feel better I felt terrible putting it in toilet but I had no other option. If it was the creature to blame I lost over 40 clean up crew members. After replacing them they are all doing fine and no dead shells....


If I would have noticed your post I would have taken it. Too bad no one did..
And I wasn't flaming you just making a jokingly post

Crab killer!!!


Originally Posted by Smork81
If I would have noticed your post I would have taken it. Too bad no one did..
And I wasn't flaming you just making a jokingly post

Crab killer!!!

no worries. I only acted on what I was told.. Only been in the hobby 2 years. This think looked nasty as you can see in the picture. When I posted asking why I have a pile of shells every morning I was asked if I have any odd things in the tank and thats when I saw the guy above....


Originally Posted by Smork81
It's so cute! How can you say it's a nasty little creature? lol
Hey I will take negative comments from anyone who doesn't eat lobster. I think a toilet is better than a pot of boiling water.


Active Member
Hey, don't feel bad... I was completely joking with you. I had to get rid of my blue leg hermits they were destroying my turbos and scarelt hermits. I was just joking with you anyways....
Crab killer!!!


Originally Posted by FranktheTank
Hey, don't feel bad... I was completely joking with you. I had to get rid of my blue leg hermits they were destroying my turbos and scarelt hermits. I was just joking with you anyways....
Crab killer!!!
I know, no hard feelings. Even after it's gone it is still giving me trouble.


looks very similar to the xanthid that is in my tank. I'm going after him tonight....taking the tank apart to get to the rock he lives in and it's going in freshwater until he comes out.
So far he has destroyed a small star polyp colony and eaten the heads off of my blue anthelia.
His punnishment is going to be being dropped into a tank with a barracuda. Flame me if you like but he'll be food for something else no worse than feeding starfish to other tank inhabitants.


Originally Posted by Smork81
If you want to get rid of it and can catch it I would love to take it off your hands and would pay shipping! Please don't kill it. My email is if you want to get rid of it contact me please.
Just curiosity here, but why do you want to get you'r hands on these little buggers. What is so special?


Nothing is "so special" about them..It is the fact that most people KILL them either by flushing it or poking at it in whatever crevice its hiding in and end up crushing it to death. I happen to think they are nice little things to have around in your fuge or sump..IMO they are interesting to watch and they look really cool too...There are soo many different kinds and they all look different. Point is I like them and the diversity of them..They are small and easy to keep if you have the room. :joy:


Active Member
I am fascinated by the crab too. If they just wouldn't umm..... kill things I would love to have more variety.
Thus far, the emerald and scarlet are the only ones I find to be completely friendly.


Active Member
Oh yea, it's a big joke around here with me. I'm always talking about how I have crabs and love them. Really turns the girls on!


Originally Posted by FranktheTank
Oh yea, it's a big joke around here with me. I'm always talking about how I have crabs and love them. Really turns the girls on!
so does a big hammer coral