mystery crab


Here, I got a picture of this guy today, about 5 minutes ago. He was in the back of my tank so it was hard to get a good picture of him, his back was facing me.

Click to enlarge.

Update: He crawled up front so I had to get another shot.

Click to enlarge.


Thats cool, the only thing I ever killed in my tank (on purpouse anyway) was a bristle worm.


Active Member
I'm telling you.. crabs are greatness! I wish I could just have a crab/invert tank only. Just throw all sorts of crabs in there and let them at it.... I'm afraid my problem would be that I would lose money in this adventure due to their aggressive behavior.
There are some freaky and cool looking crabs out there.
I wonder if you had one of those HUGE tanks (like 300, or even 800g) like you hear some people having if you could have one of every species you could get ahold of. With the enormous amount of space, I wonder if they would co exist?
Crabs fascinate me.


If I put him in my sump when I get it, it won't crawl out?? And if all I have in there is some cheato, is that enough for him? I don't want to kill him, but he is on my poop list for being such a mystery and not letting me see him very well.