Mystery crab


Can anybody identify a mystery crab for me? He came from SWF and was supposed to be an emerald crab, although he never was green. He is now quite large, the shell is maybe 1 inch. He is brown, legs are brown and kind of orange and very hairy. His claws are brown and the knuckle parts are white. He really is neat looking, but we have caught him eating mushrooms twice. I hate to get rid of him because he is cool looking. We call him "knuckles" because of the prominent white knuckles on his claws. Does anybody know what it is and how large it will get??


The picture didn't show so I don't know what you posted. What kind do you think it is? Try the picture again, or give me a description.


Help! we might have one answering to that same description. I can't see the pic either--don't leave us in suspense! what is the name of the suspect crab!!!!!


Somebody please tell us what these are. I did e-mail back to SWF and asked them what kind of crab they might have given me, and I think somebody answered who knew nothing. Said it might be an anenome crab. Well I got 2 anenome crabs with that same shipment and they are entirely different. SWF didn't seem too concerned that the wrong thing was sent.
Is he brown or kind of reddish? I ordered two "red" emerald crabs from and they are a nuisance in my tank. I have been trying for a month to catch them. They pick at most everything in the tank. If you figure out how to catch the little devils let me know!


never trust a crab.. anywhere.. .. oh and do his pincers have cupped tips.. just curious i had a stone crab come in on some live rock i have who looked almost like an emerald crabs but brown with hairy was more closely related to a mithrax crab though and ate several of my fish.. i don't trust any crabs in my tank. they are too unpredictable..


I'm fairly certain that the one in our tank is NOT a decorator crab. Not enough junk on him!
But he does have very hairy legs. Will look up a pic of a stone crab. Keep those guesses coming!


try this link--there are several pics of crabs. I almost think ours is sort of like a hairy crab and sort of like a porcelain crab.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>