Mystery Eel Update


Active Member
A while back I asked for some help IDing a mystery moray. One of the things we couldn't answer was what type of teeth he had. He's grown some and to me is getting more handsome all the time. Finally got a shot of him with an open mouth.
Any thoughts? Are those stabbers or grinders?:rolleyes:
It is kind of hard to tell , but my guess it is a piscivore. But I still don't know what kind , not even a guess. Here is a close up of his mouth maybe someone else will be able to tell from the 2 pics.


How many eels in that tank? I know they can live together by the hundreds, but eels eat fish in the wild. It is their main source of food. Your fish seem way too big to get eaten by the eels, so dont worry too much. What are you feeding them? They look great!


Active Member
Snakes, thanks for the magnification!
Bullshark: 3 true morays and the wolf eel you see with this guy.
A 14" SFE, 8" Zebra and this mystery guy's about 10" now. The wolf eel (carpet blenny) if about 15" and thick. Number 1 predator in the tank by far:D
Thanks for the compliment. They eat frozen shrimp, fish strips, krill, octupus, crab and the occasional flakes for color and vitamins. Of course nori for the tangs.