mystery red growth....ID?


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
kinda resembles plating coraline, not for sure tho.
Not sure either..... good call though.


It looks like "cuntalingus" latin for "skin of death"
located in the south pacific ocean usually grows like a weed it]f given the correct water parameters. I would suggest removing it as quickly as you can and if you see a spike in growth in other places your system is at risk of bio-chemical over load and will
crash like the planes did on
sorry to be so descriptive but it happened to me and it will never happen again.

jimmy 4

It just popped out of nowhere. I do plan on keeping it. I have some similar stuff on another rock but it doesn’t look quite the same. Ill post a pic later.
I did change salts a few months ago (Instant Ocean to Reef Crystals) and have been changing my water more at a higher s.g. 1.026 I think. Defiantly seeing improvement.
thanks for the info.

jimmy 4

I also dont know what this is. Algae of some kind im sure.
The water level got low when I went on vacation, and some of it died.
My brother was supposed to add water to the tank, but nothing really died
while I was gone.

What is the bad word in post #6??


i have some on one of my rocks. my lfs said it was probably some type of red kelp. i know that my lawn-mower blenny(R.I.P) loved it, and my hermits destroyed it. i think it's some type of reef candy the way things in my tank went after it. i move the rock to another tank after i thought it was gone, and boom, it re-appeared.


it is some type of leafy micro algae/sea lettuce. Nothing to be worried about actually means that you have very good water parameters if it is growing. A friend of mine has it growing in his tank also.