Mystery Snail


pa reef pig

I saw this snail yesterday crawling on the glass. Its was too tiny to get a picture of so I did the best I could to draw what i think it looked like. It resembled a Astrea snail in shape but was a mottled brown color. I doubt it was Astrea. I've never heard of people having them reproduce in their tanks. Any ideas what is might be?

pa reef pig

NO, it was taller, or as tall, as it was wide. Cone shape. Kinda pointy looking on top.
I did run to look for the posts about the other snail that is considered very bad. That one looked like an upsidedown basket. Checkered sorta flat and round. This is not one of them.
I've never seen this one in any ID posts before.


Active Member
well thats good, cause if it was the basket lookign one, then it prey's on zooanthid colonies, so its good to knwo thats not what you have!
good luck


I had my astrea snails reproduce in my tank. Had my fish guy come and ID them. He did not believe me. By the time I saw them they were the size of my little fingernail. Keep watching them. Mine grew quickly so you will know soon enough if that is what you have.


Active Member
If it has that pattern, it is a Heliacus sp. snail. Predators. I had one eating on my button polyps. In fact, that is how he got in my tank. Brought him in on a branch of polyps. As they grow the cone becomes more pronounced, looking just like a turbo shell, only with the checkered pattern. That pattern is distinctive.