Mystery Wrasse


Active Member
Someone had posted about what was a mystery wrasse and why they were so expensive (that post is one of the ones missing now I believe- I can't find it anywhere). In my response then I alluded to the fact that the lfs had maybe come up with a name for a fish to get more money for it. I have checked around and found that there is such a fish and to be fair I wanted to answer the post with the info I found. So hopefully the post person will see this.
Mystery Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus mysterii) up to 5 inches; Pacific area; Carnivore; Peaceful; Easy keeper; Ok for reef tanks.
Very rarely collected fish. The yellows, blues, and purples outline a clever smile on its face. Majority of body reddish maroon color with thin white vertical stripes. A eyespot surrounded by yellow on its green tail provides a puzzle for any fish that is trying to decide which end to meet or eat. Very similar in behavior to 6 line wrasse. New home should be 29 gallons or larger with lots of live rock and a sandy bottom.
This info was taken from a site that featured this fish as a special (sorry cannot give other selling site names). So there is such a fish and I stand corrected in my thought it was a gimmick by the store.


Active Member
Pufflover, I thought it was a very pretty fish, I tried to upload the pic, it wouldn't let me and so far I've been unable to find it on any other site. Lisa

silent bob

they are so expensive is because they are only collected a few times a year, i'd hate to do this but they're so hard find, also thats why blue dot jawfish are so exoensive, they can only be caught a few times a year, the same with helfrichs firefish
[ October 20, 2001: Message edited by: Pufferlover ]


Active Member
Silentbob, you need to take that link off your post, you can say something like, if your interest you can e-mail me and I can tell you where to find one, but NO links are allowed. Sorry Lisa


Active Member
Silent Bob; For shame no links are allowed per board rules that is why I edited your post. Realize you are a newer member so please no further links to selling sites thanks.


Ok I missed the original post, But the pic Lisa posted is a very pretty fish. Everyone is talking about cost of it. I missed how much they go for. Anybody know?


New Member
I just got one last week. Nice looking fish although it is currently being terrorized by my 6-line who is small and whom I cant get out of the tank. Imagine that, I may loose a mystery to a six line! Any ideas?


Active Member
If the 6 line is smaller now then the mystery wrasse they should settle things shortly and then get along. If they are close to same size and body shape (which I believe they are Shape I mean) it may take a lot longer and hopefully with no permanent damage to either one.