N.Korea/Missile Testing


I think it would be a stupid move on his part, but he may be crazy enough for the attempt... the dude shot one over Japan in 98... all I can say, is if he attacks us, N korea will have parts floating to our cali-coast for years to come, with alies in China, S. Korea, and Japan (not total alies, but they equally hate N. Korea) they would be the poo stain on a bad nights pair of undies.


Active Member
who cares they didnt fire at anybody, if they thought about firing at us they would be done for. can you say massive air strikes


Active Member
The only threat N. Korea is to anyone is to S. Korea and Japan....but the htreat wolkd be short lived if any hostilities were envoked on either of them by N. Korea. I serioiusly doubt China or Russia would even get envolved if the US and N.Korea decided to mix it up, and even then it would be shortlived, with what kind of power the military has over in that next of the woods. We do not need nor desire to hold or take any ground n N Korea, but massive air stirkes starting at the border of N and S korea and working northward would certianly put a stop to any follow on artillery, or infantry land attacks, and there is no doubt our pilots would whop em into last month in a heart beat, and all witut putting boots down on N.Korea soil.


If they launch one it wouldn't even make it no where near us. It would be sensless to attack a country that can wipe out the attacker! My hat is off to the men & women who fight for our freedom & keep us & our children safe... I say nuke em if they try anything :hilarious


Active Member
I heard earlier today that NK does not even have sufficient fuel to supply their trucks and tanks they would need to launch a land based attack in the south, and that they wold primarily be on the hoof....which would certainly make for some easy picking by aircraft. and the cluster type munitions.


yea but what if NK sells thier launch pad to iraq or a terrorist groups of some sort??? to make money for another launch pad??? idk just some ideas. if iraq got ahold of this launch pad they would be dumb enough to lauch a few missels our way.


I don't think that they'll try anything stupid like launch a nuke at the U.S. All they want is the attention and perhaps some bargaining leverage. You see, North Korea is like that annoying kid at school who sits in the back of class constantly being disruptive just for the attention but just ends up pissing everyone off. KJI is probably sitting back at his desk right now watching the world news and laughing his arse off at the world's reaction to all of this. Again, it's just for the attention.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RyanLee
. KJI is probably sitting back at his desk right now watching the world news and laughing his arse off at the world's reaction to all of this. Again, it's just for the attention.

probably. then the morons from the aclu will cry out that there is human sufferage going on over there, and we should not hit them with all kinds of sanctions.
screw that. if they dont like their leader, there are certainly more than enough of them to overthrow him.
he's still angry that he got his butt kicked by a marionette.


I'm so wonly so wonly......watch Team america I love that song, cracks me up. Rest of it isn't that great and very crude though.