

Active Member
i said yes because if they are like that, then so be it they can still love eachother. and thats what marriage is about..
Anyways, just to let you know, i am not a lesbian or bi.
I just think you shouldnt judge people like that. Its kinda like racism in a different way i guess idk.
Anyways i think you would of had a lot more votes if you left the poll not public so then people wouldnt have to back up there answers or for people to think differently of them over a question which is their opinion.. Just my thoughts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
i said yes because if they are like that, then so be it they can still love eachother. and thats what marriage is about..
Anyways, just to let you know, i am not a lesbian or bi.
I just think you shouldnt judge people like that. Its kinda like racism in a different way i guess idk.
Anyways i think you would of had a lot more votes if you left the poll not public so then people wouldnt have to back up there answers or for people to think differently of them over a question which is their opinion.. Just my thoughts.
You are exactly right. It is a form of ignorant prejudice. If they want to have the benefits of marriage then let them have them. It's all a part of the pursuit of happiness. Really other than the tax benefits I don't see the point, but whatever. If it's that big of a deal then why not? They're not hurting anybody. Just bruising the righteous churches ego, and shoot, most churches accept gay couples these days. I don't know why this is even still an issue.


Active Member
All depends on what your definition of "marriage" is. If you mean forcing religion/churches to accept gay marriage, obviously no.... If you mean "joint occupation" or whatever the tax status is, which I thought they already get, obviously yes...


Active Member
this is one of those subjects that generally tend to get locked down.but my
.02 cents.
yes, the legal statuse of marriage should be allowed to any couple that deems themselves a couple that desire to be together in "marriage".
you cant force religions to change their views, thats part of what makes this country what it is. the right to believe what you want. if you (religion) prefer to think gay marriage is blasphemy so be it, its your belief. BUT it is every ones rights to beleive as they want to. god judges not you.


Active Member
I say yes. Who are we to decide who someone can and can not share their life with to be happy? Just about every argument I have seen against it is from ignorance or religious beliefs. There was a time when I was much younger that I fell into the ignorance group being from a very small and prejudice town.
Then there came the point in my life where I saw there was a bigger world out there and I became tolerant of it and could care less.
Now knowing several gay people professionally and seeing the injustice they have to deal with, I can now say yes. I work with a lady that has been with her partner for many years. They have children together from her partner by using a donor but she has no rights whatsoever to what everyone considers her children. They can't get family healthcare so they each have to buy individual healthcare policies. They also each pay individual tax rates. Just doesn't seem right to me.
You can argue the religious aspect all you want of it being sinful. I'm just glad someone who made up all those religious rules didn't associate icecream with sin, wickedness and satan or we would be having a poll on "Should we be allowed to eat icecream".


Active Member
I am all for civil unions where any to people can aquire the same legal rights as a married couple but I am not wild about the idea of redefining "normal". Where do you draw the line.
Being different isn't a bad thing or make you a bad person. Whatever happened to celebrate diversity? I mean who here hasn't dropped 4 or 5 bucks a pound for rock to put in our fish aquarium, you call that "Normal"?


Active Member
Well one thing has been consistent here. Everyone that has voted NO has simply said NO with no explanation as to why. I voted yes based on situations I have observed and people I have come to know. I'm am straight and have no desire or curiosities around being Gay. For those voting No, how many of you are voting NO because of religious immoral teachings around the subject that have never really given it a thought from their perspective or knowing someone who is a great human being but is different?
I was once an adamant NO person based on the same things. Never religious though as I have never been a religious person. More on just prejudices from hearing it my whole life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
Well one thing has been consistent here. Everyone that has voted NO has simply said NO with no explanation as to why. I voted yes based on situations I have observed and people I have come to know. I'm am straight and have no desire or curiosities around being Gay. For those voting No, how many of you are voting NO because of religious immoral teachings around the subject that have never really given it a thought from their perspective or knowing someone who is a great human being but is different?
I was once an adamant NO person based on the same things. Never religious though as I have never been a religious person. More on just prejudices from hearing it my whole life.
fair enough... no. I don't think it should be legal for gays to marry. Its religious, which i will say I am not very. there are tons of reasons why I said no.. most of them will constitute me getting kicked off the site tho. anyone who wants to know why PM me and I will give you my E-mail and tell you every reason why it is wrong. I do not like those kind of people, there way of life is wrong and they are not right. simple I have my opinion, and you all can have yours. they will always whine about never being equal to the straight people.. then they want special treatment?? something about that strikes me as wrong in so many ways. it is wrong for a man to love a man and a women to love a women. plain and simple, if it was meant to be that way then everyone would be gay not a select few. I personally hope that most states keep it as illegal for them to get married.
now go ahead and flame me... but if you do i hope you PM me so i can e-mail you what I couldn't say about them on here.
answer your question enough? lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
Well one thing has been consistent here. Everyone that has voted NO has simply said NO with no explanation as to why. I voted yes based on situations I have observed and people I have come to know. I'm am straight and have no desire or curiosities around being Gay. For those voting No, how many of you are voting NO because of religious immoral teachings around the subject that have never really given it a thought from their perspective or knowing someone who is a great human being but is different?
I was once an adamant NO person based on the same things. Never religious though as I have never been a religious person. More on just prejudices from hearing it my whole life.
There have been a couple short explanations.
I feel about 95% of it, is confusion, on both sides, definitely myself included. What exactly
do they want? If they want to be recognized as a "civil union" plenty of people who voted no, said they have no problem with this. The issue arises when you force someone's opinion onto someone else. I am not really religious, a Christmas/Easter Catholic, but if gays want to force churches to perform/accept/etc gay marriages, sorry, but no way. It's fully the right of the church to believe whatever they want.
It's really like someone buying a house near an airport, knowing full well about the airport, then moving in and immediately causing a ruckus about the noise from airplanes.


Active Member
Let me clear one thing up right away. I'm not saying that anyone that votes "No" is wrong and I am right. I'm just curious how many vote "NO" based on widespread belief and religious influence without ever giving it a second thought.
I am in total agreement that there are whiners and those that are looking for special attention and they do not deserve it. I am simply referring to the right to be treated equal, not special. You can take any group of people who do not fit the majority and find the ones that want special treatment vs. the ones who just want to be treated like any one else.
Let me add another thought. I know many people who were against gays that over time became more aware and if not tolerant, more accepting. I can't remember ever knowing someone who was pro gay and later became anti gay. I'm sure there are some but I can't recall meeting anyone.