Tangman, you've used the word "tolerant" twice that I've seen in my scans...
Although I didn't vote at all, I can sorta sum up why one would vote no...or yes...
Your tolerance level is specific to you as an individual. What you choose to tolerate and when, is usually a boundry set by your own life experiences... Including your friends, your religion, your coworkers...
Everybody's "tolerances" of every scenario are simply a measure of what they, based on their current knowledge/ beliefs, deems to be the correct one.
And eating ice cream, by some, same as drinking coffee and beer, is against a religios belief.. I think they call it gluttony or pleasures of the flesh. So it's all based on the individual as far as what you wanna tolerate.
As far as a gay marriage... I wouldn't do it myself, but I can understand why another couple would, and I can also understand why people object to it.