name for the first dog


Active Member
haha, i've come up with the name for the first dog i will have in a year or so
and we'll call him Macher for short,
what do ya think?
what are your first names?


My first dog was a yellow great dane named, Gonzo. Best dog ever.
My husband found a puppy in the ditch and named her Lefty, since she was left behind...then we adopted my sister's first dog, which is a noisy coon hound named, Petunia. We call her Tuna because we're not sissies


lmao sissie yah coons can be a hand full but great dogs non the less
ethier way my mom dog is charlie his a mini poodle mix
and when i get my first dog when i am about to move (pitbulls are illeagal in my county )
i think i will call him D.O.G. say each letter fast it sound lik one word
sounds lik deoogie
anyways good name bronco very unique


My 8 yr old pug - Hemi
5 yr old Yellow lab - Sammy (female)
13 yr cat - Kelly kitty - Now Ketto Kitty by my 3 yr old daughter


Active Member
my mom had a registered chow thats name was Sir Broderick Black Bear (she didnt name it) they called him Bonno for short.
i hope to get a mini dachshund puppy for christmas and i plan on naming it Frog or Bear