Name that hitchiker!


Okay, I was looking at my hawkfish when all of the sudden I saw something purple-brownish scurry under a rock. It looks like a shrimp... could it be a mantis shrimp? I was looking at some pics of them, but they weren't the same color as this guy. Also I couldn't see if he has the mantis like features... any thoughts?! HELP!


Okay, update... it's living in the rock and I see a sack! Is there eggs in there? I'm assuming so because it is so protective of it. WHAT DO I DO?!


Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
Okay, update... it's living in the rock and I see a sack! Is there eggs in there? I'm assuming so because it is so protective of it. WHAT DO I DO?!

Don't stick your hand near it....whatever it is, and the eggs it had laid, most likely won't pictures?


I just pulled the rock with the eggs and mantis shrimp out and put it into a bucket with water. I'll put some food in the bucket to coerce it out and try to get a pic.


Hello, I have the same problem. Mine looks like a dark red skinny lobster. It's a Stomatopod. I have found a lot of links on the net telling you ways to get rid of it. I'm at work, so I don't happen to have those links on me. But do a Google search for stomatopod or mantis shrimp.
I myself am going to remove all of my rock and try to catch the lil'

. He has eaten all my snails and my 3 peppermint shrimp. He has a date with my toilet tomorrow, hopefully he won't stand me up on the date....


Poor little critter. I have him in my QT tank and he isn't doing so well. I tried to sell him to the local fish store but they want nothing to do with it.