names for fun


i have a ritual wiht naming fish, u cant name them or they die, and if u have to name them, then u can only name them when they seem very healthy and they will stay healthy. i used to just make up different names for them every day, now i guess ill make em up:
55 semi-reef
false perc group-Gramps, Sideshow Bob, Benny, Frinkle
hawkfish-Mr. Hitman or John the Hawkfish
firefish-Sir Hidesalot!
gold cbs-Goldmember
scarlet reef hermits-Hogarth, Harmon, Hagrid
"special" tank
Chocolate chip star-Anemoneater
Bahama star-Shroomeater or Patrick


Active Member
Bozo, Percula clown
Pinky Strawberry pseudochromis
Blinky, Blue damsel
Scooter, scooter blenny
Smeegle, mandarin


For the most part I name them.
Dragon - Dragon Wrass
Angle - Emp Angel
George - Flame Hawk Fish (Thanks to my Dad)
Strawberry - Strawberry Hermit Crab
Poodles - 6 Chromis
B**ch - Female Maroon Clown (She is so mean, but you have to love her)
Little Guy - Male Maroon Gold stripe Clown
Tangy - Yellow Eyed Tang
Rabbit - Rabbit Fish
Grumpy - Blue Devil Damsel
Sharlee - Burgandy Bristle Star Fish (My Moms Favorite, so I named it after her)
Fred - Black Bristle Star Fish ( After my dad)
I think that is everybody that has names, I have not named any of the little crabs or the snails.


shels, u sure have lots of fish, wat size tank do u have? or do u have 2? luv the names, nice and original

chris s

3 black and white damsels- larry, curly, and moe
1 mandarine - Jim
1 horseshoe crab- marv(he is MIA)
2 clowns-dink and donk
2 blue damsels - Rocky and Adrienne
1 bar fish - LLCoolJ (One of the most pretty fish, very good reef fish and isnt agressive)


Gold Belly DogFace Puffer: Buu
SnowFlake eel: Zorak
V. Lionfish: Stingy
Halequin Tusk: Itchy
Emp. Angel: Scratchy
Lunare Wrasse: Sh#TBird
Powder Blue Tang: Doku (named after the count)


Active Member
Freakishly, me and my friends are in love with this series: the wheel of time by robert jordan. Well, when i started watching the fish I soon realized that (this is the freakish part) they started being in the same heirchy as the books so that's how everyone except the seahorses got there names from.


Achillies Tang=Tashy3
Flame Angel =Alice Fish(after my bfs mother)
Blue Damsel and Black with blue stripe damsel ..they have many names ..some of the names I can;t even put on the message board..most of the names starting with F*&*&( fish, B&**( fish..because I had problems catching it
Fire Shrimp I named after my mother
and I have few fishes in the ponds and I named one of them Tashy2 =):D


K....I have the following:
Larry....dwarf lion
Lenny....da lawnmower blenny
Rabbi...da Rabbit Fish
Tammy da Yellow Tang


o shels, jw, i always wanted a big tank. and chris s, i wouldnt worry bout the horsesho crab cuz they dig under the sand and just lay there a lot and usauly come out at nite. u mite not c them 4 days at a time.


Domino Damsel - Black Bart
3 blue and yellow Damsels - Eenie, meenie, and minie
Stripped damsel - moe
The problem with naming them is now I am having a hard time giving them up!
:) :)


Horseshoe crab...Mr. Crabs
Sand Sifting Star..Patrick
Black Seahorse....Blacky
Scooter Blenny....Cooter
My girlfriend loves spongebob, and if our fish doesn't match anything on there, she comes up with really original names. (when had clowns, mr clown; blue hippo tang (went through two) hippo, then hyp)


I have to add the newise addition.
Manderine - Manuel
I am so happy about him, he eats frozen food. My tank has been set up for 3 years and has 125 lbs of lr so he will do extremly well. My friend named him, because I named her bird for her. She knows I do not like the name so now she is all for it. I will call him Manny for short.:p