Nancy Pelosi " family planning stimulates the economy".

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
More words of wisdom. Now they want to control the birth rate to help the economy. Where are the cries of "Nazi" over this?
If they control the birth rate, who will pay for my medicare?
God help us all as we slide down the drain towards Marxism/socialism.
Given that minorities in this country have a high out-of-wedlock birth rate, if a
conservative/republican had made the same comments as pelosi they'd be labled as a hate filled racist. pelosi, on the other hand gets a free pass.


Active Member
The Republicans running for Congress in 2010 should just run clips of Pelosi with the phrase at the end "Had Enough?"
This is ridiculous. I had hoped Obama would pull a bait and switch and kinda walk down the center but so far we seem to be headed for the left gutter.


Active Member
Hey reef and oscar! How is your interpretation of this any different than what we were discussing in this:
I mean other than the fact that I was going off of what Rush said and not what he "meant" and you are going off what you thought Pelosi "meant" and not what she said.
Don't get me wrong, Pelosi is an idiot, I'm just pointing out a little hypocrisy.


Active Member
She was making the case family planning stimulates the economy. What is out of context? I just listed to the clip again.


Active Member
By lowering costs of family planning and other things, its not like that was the only thing. I don't see your argument for lowering costs doesn't stimulate the economy. Granted, family planning could be a stretch, but was that the only thing she mentioned? No.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
By lowering costs of family planning and other things, its not like that was the only thing. I don't see your argument for lowering costs doesn't stimulate the economy. Granted, family planning could be a stretch, but was that the only thing she mentioned? No.
That was the thread subject. I don't see the millions they want to spend planting new grass on the national mall as a real winner either. Fixing roads and school buildings make sense, those are good fairly long term jobs.


Active Member
And nothing the government does that the private sector is capable of doing will ever lower costs. Too much bureaucracy to pay for.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
And nothing the government does that the private sector is capable of doing will ever lower costs. Too much bureaucracy to pay for.
I agree. I was just pointing out that family planning was not the only thing queen idiot was talking about. And she didn't once mention controlling the birth rate as oscar implied.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I agree. I was just pointing out that family planning was not the only thing queen idiot was talking about. And she didn't once mention controlling the birth rate as oscar implied.
But what was the mechanism for lowering cost? Contraception. And what does contraception do? Lower birth rates...