nano 10 gallon


Active Member
and if you cant put it by a window... i dont have any aquarium light on mine right now i actually have a clip on office light with a 60 watt bulb that will work until you can upgrade. you still wont be able to have corals but it will be fine for fish and the live rock


yeh i saw that that looks sweet im not sure how many watts the light fixture i have right now is ill go check it out and see wat it is


alright the lighting i have right is a eclipse daylight f 15t8 18''
120 vac
60 hz
17 w
can anyone tell me if this can keep live rock alive


alright change in plans right now wat i may just do is just get some fake looking saltwater decorations and make it a fish only until christmas then add live rock then...any one think this is a bad idea or a good idea


Active Member
I never owned a fish only tank but I think you would still need live rock
Maybe not as much but still a couple pounds, where else would the "good" bacteria live?


Active Member
I would think that would be enough to start. By the time the tank is cycled it will be very close to christmas anyway. Also whenever you add more live rock, there is almost always a ammonia spike, not a huge one but it depends on whether the rock is cured or not. I would maybe snoop around the fish only section and see what they say about it. I think most of us here are more familiar with reefs. Of course though we will try to answer any questions you have.


alright this is wat im doing as of right now things will improve around christmas
around 5-10 lbs of live rock depending on how much money i have
1 heater
my basic light
sand not sure about live or not alive yet
salt (of course)
1 filter
1 powerhead
now am i missing any thing and does everything sound good


Active Member
Ditch the hydrometer, they are inaccurate at measuring something that you need to be precise with. A refractometer would be a much better choice. Other than that just make sure you get a quality reef salt, no Instant Ocean or anything.


Originally Posted by frogman5
alright change in plans right now wat i may just do is just get some fake looking saltwater decorations and make it a fish only until christmas then add live rock then...any one think this is a bad idea or a good idea
i say get the live rock anyway. i had the fake coral stuff in my tank for about 2 weeks. then went to live rock. i spent almost $50 on the fake painted junk just to spend another $250 for the LR so i could have saved myself the shipping if i wouldn't have been so cheap in the beginning


Active Member
NO WAY 250 on a ligh to keep softies in a ten gallon! get some pcs 65w or 80w or whatever that will give you plenty enough light to keep anything but SPS.


yeh right now im just doing fowlr until i can afford a nice light which will be around christmas this is so i can spend more money on live rock and stuff like which salt would you guys recommend
you can get the 18" current usa like 36watt light online for about 60$ shipped. I have the 9" coralife on my 5.5 and i hate it and its half the gallons as yours.


havent been here in a few days thought i would post some is my update after much thought and after spending a little to much on my freshwater tanks i have decided to wait till christmas to get this thing when that time comes i will post the updates


going to sell my xbox since i dont really play it very much....this will allow me to start the tank up will keep u guys updated once again