nano aquarium brand quality?


I'm not sure if you can simply call one the best, but I have a 12 gallon Nano Cube deluxe which I'm very pleased with. All the new models seem to have their pro's and con's, so I think it's more or a matter or personal preference. Figure out what features you want the most, then compare the tanks, that is my recommendation. Also as the Nano-cube, Aquapod and the Bio Cube can vary greatly in price, so that also must be taken into account.


why do noobs feel the need to ask which of these cubes is the best when you could do 5 minutes of reaserch and find out without taking up board space for other posts
it annoys me because i bet there are 3 more threads on the nano page right now from sone new reefer who is asking if the can put a sharki in there nano or if they need LR!?!?!?! seriously DO SOME RESEARCH!


Active Member
by the way, it's just a matter of preference. i liked the design of the biocube14, also has a good stand-- havent set it up yet since i have two other tanks and want to break down 1 before i setup the 14. all of them will have some issues with modifying.. the lights, pumps, something.
you wont actually have 12 or 14 gallons in the display tank since a couple or so gallons will be in the back compartment, so that's also something you might want to think about
id go with biocube 29


Originally Posted by joebob7
why do noobs feel the need to ask which of these cubes is the best when you could do 5 minutes of reaserch and find out without taking up board space for other posts
it annoys me because i bet there are 3 more threads on the nano page right now from sone new reefer who is asking if the can put a sharki in there nano or if they need LR!?!?!?! seriously DO SOME RESEARCH!
I always thought this was the purpose of a forum, to asks questions and learn. So maybe edavis wasted a little board space, didn't you with your silly little post. Maybe he doesn't know how to search for those other posts or whatever. You had an opportunity to help someone out and you chose to slam him instead.


I am new and i have been doing tons of research i like the biocube(preferably 29 gallon) because the nano cube and aquapod have been known for heating issues. IMO id say from what i have found there are few cases of overheating biocubes.


im sorry edavis that was immature of me to waste your post space
and sorry to the other board members i offended


Originally Posted by joebob7
im sorry edavis that was immature of me to waste your post space
and sorry to the other board members i offended
That took guts to say


Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
im sorry edavis that was immature of me to waste your post space
and sorry to the other board members i offended
no problem, i was in the same situation on a different board and overreacted to something someone said :


ok guys seriously this is a hobby of questions I understand you get tired of answering the same questions over and over but its part of the board. I am glad that you apologized for your post but let this be a warning that if you have nothing nice to say or add to the post please DO NOT post in that thread!!
edavis welcome to the board if there any posts anyone sees out of line please use the sticky in the new hobbiest forum to let us know about them.


IMO, I like the Biocube, because its integrated wet/dry filter is three different chambers, whereas the aquapod only had two (I think)? Also, I liked the fact that the lid was not permanently attached which allowed for modifications and the ability to add on filtration equipment. I also liked the fact that the BIOCube left more room above the integrated filter (Tip: a 9 watt Coralife UV Sterilizer fits on top of the integrated filter without any modifications to the lid!) I've heard that the glass on the BioCube was thicker, may or may not be true.
Although the RSM is clearly the best, its also clearly the most expensive @$600+ I'd rather buy the BC29 and choose my own skimmer. Also, with the BC29 w/HOB skimmer, you still have a refugium. I'd prefer an in tank refugium vs. HOB because I think a refugium should get greater flow than HOB can provide. Plus, the RSM lighting is good, but since its hood is attached, its harder to upgrade to better lighting. I would pick a BC29, $150 *rare gem stone* skimmer (people may or may not get my code speak, just PM if ??), $200 pendant/clamp on Viper MH lighting for a total of $600. A RSM costs $750.....
Anyway, I ended up buying the BC29 gal. based on the aforementioned logic. But, if you don't plan on upgrading filter/lighting on the tank, RSM is the best, most expensive, stock tank.