Nano Cube vs BioCube


I am going to get a nano tank in a couple weeks. I was planning on getting the Nano Cube 24 gallon but i found a BioCube 29 gallon for cheaper. was wondering which would be better. i have heard good/bad things about both, so i dont know which one to get. thanks for your help


I was going to post this same question. The few that I inquired to all said to get a biocube. When I asked why, they all say "because theyre better"

Hopefully someone will post some pros/cons to each


I don't know about the nano cube, but I had the biocube you're looking at. My BIGGEST thing about it was that the lid was not hinged to the tank. I didn't think it was a big deal when I first saw the tank, boy was I wrong. It was a pain for anything that didn't fit in the feeding square. If you moved the top even the slightest bit, it got off center and was a bit of a job to get it just right and back on. Besides that...absolutely nothing! The back area of the tank is nice, and can fit a lot of things in it. The acrylic was nice...but it was beveled. I liked the way it looked but it made pictures hard to take.