nano cube


Just wondering what you guies think about those 12 gallon nano cubes out there? are they a good deal for the price or should i jstu go out and put togather my own 10 gallon tank?? also does it come with everything you need or are there more fees? (Im just looking to keep some softies and 2 maybe 3 fish max) :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


I have a 12ga nano cube, been up and running for about a month now. It comes with carbon, bio-balls, ceramic rings, sponge filters and a 106 gph powerhead. For salt water, you remove the bio-balls and rings and leave the carbon. Only thing I had to add was a heater and a thermometer.
Right now I've got 10lbs of LR and 15lbs of aragonite in there. Added an emerald crab, coral banded shrimp and 10 astrea snails and everything is running fine.


I had a 24Gallon Nanocube, it was one of the worst investments that I made. I wasted close to about $230 dollars on that piece of garbage. It leaked at the back, the craftmanship was flimsy and near horribe if not, and to top it off the "3 stage" filtration was pitiful. When I was at work for some reason or the other the curved side on the tank just up and cracked, leaving what was once my beautiful aquatic scenery on my kitchen floor. Definatley not a do-over. Can you imagine if I had put the tank in my living room? What would have happen to the carpet? I'd say the bigger the better; bigger tanks are more forgiving toward the new hobbyist.


Well, I'd say it's all about personal experience. Superhero, don't get discouraged from one bad review. I have had my 24 gallon nano for I think 3 months now and it's doing wonderfully. My only complaint is the stock pump, but that's easily replacable.


New Member
I am thinking about getting 2-24g dx nano cubes for my living room, and would like to know what bigger pump did you go with if the one that comes with it isn't adiquate enough. That and also, is there any extra filtration, that is needed for a reef set-up? I have herd that you remove the bio-balls and the ring, but what else is there to do? I mean all the big tanks have protien skimers and all that, but what about these little 24g nano cubes??? don't these things acuire issues over time as a result of the lack of filtration???? of does the water changes take care of that? Thanks Ryan.