Nano Cubes And Bio Cubes Post Your Pics!!



Okay, here's the unveiling of my 29g biocube. I've done some minor filtration modifications and have added a MJ 900 PH. It's only 2 mos old so all I have so far are 3 hermits, 1 peppermint, 1 emerald, 50+ ilyanassa snails, some hitchhiker feather dusters, a whole bunch of pods and bristles, a small kenya frag, a small pulsing xenia frag and a small yellow polyps frag. I just got a really cute lawnmower blenny yesterday (not in this pic tho) and I just love him. He's really got a great personality and seems to love my one pukani rock on the right. I spent many hours last Sat. re-aquascaping after getting my final 2 rocks. I now have 26 lbs worth and 40 lb of live sand. What do you think? I like it so I guess that's what really matters, huh???? LOL!



Yea that is really nice, what kind of filtration upgrades did you do? I Just transfered all of my stuff to my new 29... here it is.....


heres my 2.5 month old 14g biocube with
2 clowns
1 mexican turbo snail
2 astrea turbo snails
5 blue leg hermits
1 scarlet hermit
2 nassisous snails
1 blood/fire shrimp
18lbs lr
13lbs ls
and a nice bucket of cheato
and asorted pods and worms
i tried my hand at moding the filters but not happy with result so i went back to stock! i'm thinking of doing the maxjet 900 mod any good for the 14g?


24 G. Nano cube. This is a few months old, and I have since moved a few things around, but otherwise is pretty much the same.


Originally Posted by nmertz1
Yea that is really nice, what kind of filtration upgrades did you do? I Just transfered all of my stuff to my new 29... here it is.....
You're off to a great start! As for my mods on my filter, I removed the bioballs, then I put in 2 jars of Seachem's Matrix, a bag of Seachem's Purigen and then put in some filter/foam floss. I, also, took the cartridge from the 1st chamber and right now I have it just laying on top of the grate over chamber 2. After I can't clean it anymore, I'm going to replace it with a little bag of charcoal. Another thing I do is keep my water level just above maximum. This has prevented any bubbles from the pump. Not to mention that my water is always clear, just a little sand floating around because of my return and PH blowing it off the!


Originally Posted by ric maniac
my 6g nano
Wow, you've got all that in a 6 gal??? Do you have a full tank shot?


Beautiful tank Reefer! Can't wait until I can get more corals.

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
Wow, you've got all that in a 6 gal??? Do you have a full tank shot?

lol ya i do. um... ill go find my camera and get a current full tank shot.


Originally Posted by reefernana
You're off to a great start! As for my mods on my filter, I removed the bioballs, then I put in 2 jars of Seachem's Matrix, a bag of Seachem's Purigen and then put in some filter/foam floss. I, also, took the cartridge from the 1st chamber and right now I have it just laying on top of the grate over chamber 2. After I can't clean it anymore, I'm going to replace it with a little bag of charcoal. Another thing I do is keep my water level just above maximum. This has prevented any bubbles from the pump. Not to mention that my water is always clear, just a little sand floating around because of my return and PH blowing it off the!

yea I had all of that stuff in a 46 bow.. but I have added a few more you have any other suggestions when it comes to the bio-cube?


Originally Posted by nmertz1
yea I had all of that stuff in a 46 bow.. but I have added a few more you have any other suggestions when it comes to the bio-cube?
Probably just to upgrade the lights eventually. I'm leaning toward T5's, but I'm not sure what hood/canopy/kit would work with the biocube. What were the things you added?


Originally Posted by reefernana
Probably just to upgrade the lights eventually. I'm leaning toward T5's, but I'm not sure what hood/canopy/kit would work with the biocube. What were the things you added?

well i have only had it for about 3 days... but if you look at my pic, my return valve/flow thing (?) i changed to a larged bar that displaces the water throughout the tank much better.... have you seen the new HQI bio cube? they are so sweet!


Originally Posted by nmertz1
well i have only had it for about 3 days... but if you look at my pic, my return valve/flow thing (?) i changed to a larged bar that displaces the water throughout the tank much better.... have you seen the new HQI bio cube? they are so sweet!
Yeah, I've ordered the loc line split return to change mine out, too. I didn't know biocube was putting out an HQI, so know I haven't seen it yet. How much is that running? I saw the Red Sea 34g, and it is way expensive!