nano cubes?


New Member
hey i was wondering peoples personal experiences with nanocubes. i want to purchase one but i'd like to know the pro's and con's first. so far ive heard that they are nice overall but the hood is a bit flimsy. any other personal experiences? i'll probably go with a 12 gal. but maybe the size up.


Active Member
They are said to be alright, but sometimes they crack. at leats thats word on the street, i've never had any expericence with them.


New Member
I ran a 12-g nano cube for about a year. It never cracked and i still have it to this day as a small fuge for my larger tank. The problem i found was there was not enough water movement(had to buy a extra power head) and the filter in the back was hard to clean without getting all the waste into the main part of the tank.


Active Member
i work at the lfs store and deal with these all the time and we never had 1 crack or leak but the chamber for the protein skimmer is small and its a tight fit once you try to squeeze the skimmer in there


i have a 12 gal nano cube and its been great so far. only problem was the powerhead. if you are thinking about a jbj, toss the stock powerhead and get a rio 180. my water flow has been pretty good so far. other than that, i love my nano cube. i have had my share of disasters, but it comes with the territory(its a nano. what can ya do?