Nano Help


I have been thinking about starting up a nano for my gf for xmas. Now I have had pretty good success with my 55 gallon, however I am new to nanos. Any advice on what kind of nano is best to get, and what equipment to stock it with would be fantastic. I was most curious about the protien skimmer, seeing as how they are big and bulky.
Also are anemone's a possibility?


Active Member
a good nano would be either the jbj nano cube 12 deluxe or nano cube 24. pretty good deal comes with built in filter and pc lighting for most softies. i have heard that nanos are harder than bigger tanks because the water and flucuate quickly. you should do a water change almost every week unless you dont go with the nano cube and use like a 10 or 20 gallon with a skimmer. people say nanos are too small for anemones but depending on the lighitng you have you might be able to keep an anemone just not in the nano cubes.


Ya, I'm pretty confidant I can keep a nano, it may or may not even happen. I have seen anemone's that look healthy in 10 gallons. I would imagine water changes once a week, and top offs at least once a day.


Active Member
Very few folks with nano's run a protein skimmer, and rely on water changes for the most part along with a good hob fuge.......I do not find a nano any harder to keep than the larger tanks...........especially if you watch what you put in it its pretty darn self sufficient, and other than daily top offs which most any tank is going to require the only other probematic area is heating/cooling, but even that is controllable......


Active Member
i bought a ten gallon tank put a glass hood on it pc lights on the glass, thermometer, power head for water movement. fifteen lbs of live rock bb no sand to trap stuff. do a water change once a week keep an eye on the temp. house is air conditioned so temp doesnt get too hot. the lights keep the water warm enough. my peppermint shrimp and perc are over a year old so is the brittle star. only thing have had trouble keeping alive is snails. looking over at my tank as i type this one of my peppermint shrimp is sitting on top of the power head where the water comes out playing with the water must be hungry. ***)


i have a 5 gal tank. :joy: water changes every week, topoff everyday or the salinity goes whack. i have a heater to keep it warm, a fan to keep it cool when it's hot. not too much trouble considering i'm a busy college student.


Might want to rethink the JBJ Nano. Take a look at the reef tank thread - Busted JBJ by Shark Bait. Seems they are prone to cracking, and there is a class action lawsuit because of it. :scared: