nano lighting questions


I have 2 questions number one, can you put higher wat lighting in the 12 gal nano then what comes with the tank.
number 2, i currently have a 12 gal nano, im about to upgrade to a 24 gal nano, i think i want metal halide instead of the power compacts, how hot do the metal halides get, what is the better option for a nano, and for those who have the lighting what is your experence with them, positive or negative.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sig45
can you put higher wat lighting in the 12 gal nano then what comes with the tank.
yes and no. The ballasts that come with the tank can only drive stock wattage lights. However, there are places out there where you can buy upgraded hoods capable of running more watts.
Originally Posted by sig45

number 2, i currently have a 12 gal nano, im about to upgrade to a 24 gal nano, i think i want metal halide instead of the power compacts, how hot do the metal halides get, what is the better option for a nano, and for those who have the lighting what is your experence with them, positive or negative.
halides get VERY hot. As for which is better, it depends on what you want to keep. The halide will allow you to keep more of the high-light needing corals. They will also generate a lot more heat, which may or may not be an issue for you.

cwazy clow

ok sig, for number one, i would just go open top and buy what ever light suits you. number 2, i would only go mh if and only if you plan to keep clams and/or sps. if not, then go pc with lotta wats or HO or VHO is you got the deep pocket.