Nano Looks great but: Oxygen bubbles!


My tank looks great. But by the end of the day there are a plethora (I always wanted to use that word) of oxygen bubbles on the water surface, on the glass, on the rock, and my Xenia seems to attract some (it's scaring up). I dont have an algea problem, that I'm aware of. I scrap my front glass once a week is all. Everything is doing great ... I just want to get rid of these darn bubbles. Any ideas? Bigger clean up crew to eat more of the algea that must be there and producing the oxygen bubbles?


"Heffe...would you say I have a plethora of presents?"
"Oh yes, El Guapo, you have a plethora"
Oh, sorry.
Anyway...I don't think that amount of bubbling could come from biotic sources. Are you sure you don't have a powerhead thats drawing air, or from the filter? When one of my powerheads gets too high in the water, it starts spitting bubbles, and everything gets covered, especially the xenia. Within a few minutes of moving the powerhead down the bubbles dissipate.


Thinking the same as Musi here.... if you had that much algae that you are covering the tank with O2 bubbles, well you wouldn't be wondering IF you had an algae problem. Oh and looking at your sig... I'd say you are quite well equipped clean up crew wise for that size tank.
Wondering here... how often and how much do you do waterchanges? I have found if I get a bit lax in my waterchanges bubbles do tend to start showing up more... I think just from all the organics built up in the water... um, what makes that lovely foam in the protein skimmer. Seems that just good water movement is enough to produce these bubbles.... maybe I'm way off here but just a thought.


The one powerhead is well under the water level (2-3 inches completely underneath). There is nothing else mechanical in my tank besides that. I thought at first it was my sand bed processing nitrogen. But there's just to many. It also only happens when the lights have been on for about 8 hours. At that time the bubbles start being noticable. I've got a 15 hour photoperiod going with my powercompact(s) (I just replaced 2 36 watt lights with 1 65 watt light). There doesn't seem to be an algea problem, but what else could create these bubbles? I appreciate your time!