Nano or Big


ok ive got a question im looking into getting into this hobby and i am reading acouple of books. my question is should i get a nano.. cheeper and look really nice or should i get a 55-75 gal tank... easier to handle and cool lol. so any info trying to switch me to one side or another would be nice.


ive just gotten into this hobby and was facing the same thing that you are right now. i originally wanted a 55 gallon so that i could keep more fish.......BUT there is just SOMETHING about a nano that makes them really neat. if you dont have a lot of room, then go for the nano. if you want a few more fish then get the bigger tank. nanos though are really cool and i didnt think that i would like a nano as much as a larger tank, but now i probably like it better than the large tanks. dont be fooled though that nanos are cheap. ive already put about $500 into mine and i dont have any fish or corals yet. you've probably heared this a hundred times but patience is the key. im almost done cycling my tank now and it has been running for only about 2 weeks ( which is pretty fast). Good luck!


Active Member
I always wanted a salt water tank, but didn't have the room. Then I found the nano!!
Nanos are great not just because they are small, but I think easier in a way. When I do a weekly water change, I do 2 gallons. It takes me 5 minutes. I can't imagine having to do like a 5 gallon water change every week. Not to mention any additives and foods you add are of smaller quantity. I use Nano A+B. You use 4 drops per gallon, I'd go through a bottle in like 2 weeks if I had a 55 gallon.


Active Member
here's my 20 g nano. Cheap setup, but still over 2,000 invested. Do things right the first time and you'll save yourself a ton of money


If its your first tank I would go with a 24g nano if you like corals and small fish or a 55g if you like more fish and less corals.....that dosnt make sense. you could put more corals in a 55 but you get my point. If I was just starting out and I bought a 55g I would be pissed with all the money I had to spend on live rock. Its suggested a pound a gal and 55X7=385. Plus your setup: tank, lighting, pumps, sump, etc. Your looking at a good chunk of cash to just start up your tank. That would be enough to discourage me. A 24g nano is only 200 bucks and another $160 for lr isnt too bad. Its just a matter of your commitment and how many Benjamin Franklins you wipe your butt with. :thinking:


Active Member
I have 55/12/5.5/ and a 2 gallon tank. IMO the smaller tanks are so so so much easier to take care of. I can change the water in the 3 smaller tanks in the same time it takes me to change the water in my 55 gallon.. And even a 55 gallon is considered small, some of the people on here have 300gallon + tanks.
Not to mention i can pack a nano with rock/corals for a few hundred dollars where as it would cost thousands to pack a much larger tank.


what kind of fish could i get and what kind of corals are easy to take care of and where is the cheepest place to get them at?


I would go nano either a nano cube or aquapod. If you go larger go 75 you will be alot happier with that than a 55. 55s imo are not wide enough to get really creative with your aquascaping.


If you like all the cool,colorful,amazing fish go for a 55 *Threadfin Butterfly*If you want a classy colorful rainbow coral tank....get a nano
That is my short opinion :happyfish