NANO questions


Hey yall i am looking to start a nano and i got a couple questions of how to start and the ins and outs of a NANO.
1. What makes a Nano tank different from a regular 5 gal?
2. Is a good starting size for a nano 3 gals?
3. Do you still use Live sand and LR for a nano?
4. What are the best type of fish for a NANO?
5. Is the filiter system what makes a nano salt water compatable?
I will appreicate the help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dragonfish
Hey yall i am looking to start a nano and i got a couple questions of how to start and the ins and outs of a NANO.
1. What makes a Nano tank different from a regular 5 gal?
2. Is a good starting size for a nano 3 gals?
3. Do you still use Live sand and LR for a nano?
4. What are the best type of fish for a NANO?
5. Is the filiter system what makes a nano salt water compatable?
I will appreicate the help!
1. nothing,nano is just what people call smaller tanks 3 gal, isnt good, the bigger the tak you can afford or have room for the better, they are more stable
4. clown gobies, most other gobies, small clowns, dottybacks
5. yes, you just get a regular filter


Active Member
a regular filter yes, or u can make a sump out of a plastic beta holder and a 3 gallon to go along with your nano.. LOL! and use a powerhead for the return pump.. my friend has one and its cool to see.. he even made a 5 gallon tank stand out of oak and hides the sump underneath.. looks just like a real set-up but miniaturized!


Active Member
nah but when i go over there i will try to remember to take the camera.. its really cute! he even has a lil wooden hood for it! looks professional!