nano reef questions


Active Member
i got alot of money to spend And want to get a biocube nano reef. but, what is the best minimum size of one to have some good corals?
and what filtering would a nano reef need? never had a reef tank, especially a small one. if it was a 55 gallon i would know what to get, but what would a small one need?


You need a lot more info... Are you looking to make your own nano reef or do you want to go with an all inclusive system like a biocube?


Active Member
uh, nano reef in a cube aquarium? i thought biocube was just the name of the aquarium type...
i am just wondering what the minumum size i should get to keep a nice nano reef without quality or room issues and stuff.
what info do you need..


Active Member
i want a cube shaped aquarium, i probably can't afford over 20 gallons but we will see.
what I'm asking:
1. What is the minimum size i should get to not have to worry about cramming corals together and about coral sizes? i mean i can frag and sell real easy but like 5 gallons is two small anyway.
2. What is the minimum filtration i need for a small nano reef? will a hang on the back filter work or do i need something like a wet dry or canister? i'm asking minimum to start out with, not what you would buy if you had alot of money to start out with..


Active Member
I have the 12 Gallon JBJ nano cube, and I really like it.
I replaced the stock pump w/ a Maxi-Jet 900.
I also replace the Bio-balls and ceramic rings w/ Live rock
and the sponges w/ Filter floss.
I have quite a bit of coral in my tank.. but can always move stuff around for more things.
I regret having my rock so far out from the back.. If I move it now, I'm afraid I will crush some snails, or my Boxer crab :-
sorry for the bad glare..


look cheapest way i would say is get ya self a stock tank like a 10 or 20 long and get a good light for it and a aquaclear 110 and make that a fuge and you be good to go except for sand water and rocks