Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


Good looking nanos guys! I wish I could take a pick of mines, but I m dealing with an evil algea outbreak at the moment.


hey guys i have a couple questions does it have to be a biocube cause it seems like you all have biocubs lol and does it have to be a reef cause im kinda low on money so its more like a nano reef in progress its been up for about 2 months now i have a thread going with pics on it in the nano section let me no what you think


Active Member
Originally Posted by MSCenter58
hey guys i have a couple questions does it have to be a biocube cause it seems like you all have biocubs lol and does it have to be a reef cause im kinda low on money so its more like a nano reef in progress its been up for about 2 months now i have a thread going with pics on it in the nano section let me no what you think
its ok dont worry. and yea it can be any tank. jbj, biocube, aquapod, etc.. and no it doesnt have to be reef. just post pics!!!!!!!!!! lol. and thanks for joining


hey guess here is my tank that has been up for a couple months now let me no what you think i just replaced the cc with sand.



Hey guys, back again with some pics. I got instead of shrooms a small collony of button pulyps and a scarlet clown. Next paycheck Im going to get some diffrent things.
