NaNO ReeFiNS 10 GaL. NaNO


I have recently set up a 10 gal. Nano reef, but i have found that i am having problems with algea.....I'm running a 55w PC and a 15w actintic, i've got snails and mini algea hermit crabs but still seem to have trouble with algea.....any suggestions?


I was trying to do a 10g nano at my office, but my manager said no. That's a very nice looking tank.


how is it that these reefs on here always look so nice. I go to the LFS and the Live Rock they have is so UGLY...all brown and stuff...I don't understand why anyone would want that in a tank.

nano reefin

New Member
Thanks for nice comments. The tanks been up for about 2 months.. (Everything was transfered over from my established 7 gallon tank basically because I ran out of room in that one.. lol) The lighting is 2x32 watters from CSL. I don't really have algae problems.. *knock on wood* but I clean, maintain, and do water changes thoroughly twice a week. When first setting up my tank, I took my time picking out rocks that I REALLY liked and wouldn't settle for just any old pieces to aquascape with.

nano reefin

New Member
Oh yeah.. forgot to post a pic of my 4 gal. HOB refugium.. It's an "AquaFuge" made by CPR. I currently have a 13watt Jalli pc lighting it.


Active Member
thats awesome nano, great job, i only hope that my 7 will look as good as yours when i finally get it set up!
good luck