Nano Tank Chiller Question


New Member
Just downsized from a 55g to a 28g JBJ Nano Hqi.
How do you all think I should integrate the in-line chiller into this system?
Should I redirect one of the stock pumps into the chiller and just hook the outflow into the return nozzle in the back of the tank?
Or should I just put a separate pump into the sump above the other pump - and just have the outflow into the back with the filter media.
The stock pumps are 266gph/16w
The chiller I have is 1/10 Current USA Mini In-line
any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!


i'm getting ready to add a chiller to a NC28 as well. i plan on using a separate pump in the compartment just to the left of the O/F. i had to get the pump based on size, so i'm using a Rio 800 with the intake cover removed (they measure the 2.5" dimension without the strainer, and it won't fit otherwise).
that being said, if you're not alternating your two main pumps, just go ahead and try one of the stock pumps. run the hose up and out to the chiller and turn the 90* barb on the tank at an upward angle and put the return hose onto it.