nano tank help


Active Member
I don't think a 55 is considered a nano, usually 20gal and below is considered a nano. Although compared to a 210 I guess a 55 would seem like a nano LOL, but to answer your question, I have talked to a lot of people who think tanks in the 55gal range are the easiest to care for, even easier than the larger tanks.
What are your plans for the new tank?


I too am new to the hobby and recently set up a "mini" reef tank. We have 55 gal with...
fluval 404 cannister filter
undergravel filter with 2 oscillating powerheads
we set up 2nd week of Jan and finished cycling last week. We have about 3" cc base and added about 18 # of LR. Kept a close eye on all the water parameters and once the diatoms (brown aglea) showed up we knew we were almost ready. Gave it another week and added...
20+ green/pink mushroom polyps (already starting to split) on 2 small pieces of LR (which developed about 6 baby feather dusters in 2 weeks - two of them are red - cool!)
gave it one more week and added...
3 blue damsels
1 coral banded shrimp
10 turbo snails
they all survived for 36 hours, water parameters were steady so we then added...
4" sebae anemone and 2" sebae clown
a few days later we added...
12 hermit crabs (small)
2 redfoot snails and
1 mandarin goby
I am waiting for my Corallife 50/50 bulb to come in then I plan on adding a lot more LR and some GREAT soft corals we found at our LFS
Good luck with your 55!