Nano tank Jam


Ok, so I saw this on another thread and it seemed like a really fun idea! I don't know if anyone else would be interested in joining, but what the heck? Ill post it and you guys decide!
So basically it will be a thread started for just nanos started together.
Ok, the ground rules are:
-No more than 20g total volume! (no 20L preferred... since they offer advantages over other nanos such as surface area lighting options)
-No sumps
-Open budget/style/equipment (do and spend what you want)
-The tank can be cycled no earlier than Friday Aug 31st so they will all be "young" tanks (or at least this month) and then have to be started (wet) before september 1st.
-This is not a competition... we might open it to a TRT's poll at the end to see which is the favorite (maybe a couple of categories), but that is not the goal. The goal is to"jam"
and share ideas, approaches, philosophies, and have really awesome nano-tanks.
OK, if you are starting your coration: none; color: rgb(0, 0, 128); " target="_blank">build here, start off by giving us:
- a basic plan (build staged you expect to complete)
- physical parameters (tank size/volume, flow, filtration, lighting etc)
-stocking ideas
Ill start it off then:
I started a Picotope 3 gallon today. It has the stock filter on, with an added 20 gallon HOB filter also. I bought a PAR38 for the light upgrade. It has 12 LED, remote to control color mix, and dim.
I started the tank off with about 2 inches of live sand from a settled tank, and about 4 pounds of LR.
I put in quick cure, and I'm going to let it sit for a while to cycle before i start adding anything.
Ill post some pics up tomorrow! :)
Alright guys, take it as you want! It would be cool if others started a nano together and we could feed off each other and watch each others progress!
Only thing: no nanos that are already started, this is ONLY for new tanks! :)


Well-Known Member
I think a nano is 30g or smaller, and you should allow sumps and older tanks to show off. This thread was at the bottom of the new posts list and no takers after 2 days.... nano tanks are cool, and I had one I would love to share but the rules you set disallows it.


I agree, a 30 gallon could be considered a nano tank, but a 3 gallon tank compared to a 30 gallon has completely different challenges of its own. The idea was for similar tank sizes with similar issues.
You are right, allowing a sump wouldn’t be a bad idea.
The idea was for people to start tanks together, and after a certain amount of time show off how far they have come and who has the nicer looking tank after a certain period of time. Having older tanks in the running would give them an unfair edge, I think.
saying that, established tanks should post pictures, but I dont think should be in the running.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gil5280 http:///t/392610/nano-tank-jam#post_3487780
I agree, a 30 gallon could be considered a nano tank, but a 3 gallon tank compared to a 30 gallon has completely different challenges of its own. The idea was for similar tank sizes with similar issues.
You are right, allowing a sump wouldn’t be a bad idea.
The idea was for people to start tanks together, and after a certain amount of time show off how far they have come and who has the nicer looking tank after a certain period of time. Having older tanks in the running would give them an unfair edge, I think.
saying that, established tanks should post pictures, but I dont think should be in the running.
I don't think this thread will survive....few folks start a tank all at the same time just to a campare to each other after some time passes.


Well can you think of any other ideas?
I just wanted some kind of pico/nano competition thing to start, so I could enter my tank? Do you know of any contests that are starting?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gil5280 http:///t/392610/nano-tank-jam#post_3487810
Well can you think of any other ideas?
I just wanted some kind of pico/nano competition thing to start, so I could enter my tank? Do you know of any contests that are starting?
No, I don't. Our tank of the month contest has all been... well, it fizzled out. Nano tank of the month contest might be interesting if you could get one of the moderators to run it. Then again, a lot of the mods are either busy with their own lives or don't have the time to do it.


Active Member
I would be willing to toss in my Cardiff tank. It's a nano... It's been previously started but it's nothing crazy or special.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gil5280 http:///t/392610/nano-tank-jam#post_3487810
Well can you think of any other ideas?
I just wanted some kind of pico/nano competition thing to start, so I could enter my tank? Do you know of any contests that are starting?
I don't started the thread and said only new started tanks, nothing previously started. If you want to start a nano tank or have one you want to don't need a contest to post or show it off. Just post