Nano tank?


New Member
What defines a nano tank? How hard is it to maintain? I heard that small tanks are more difficult?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sal329
What defines a nano tank? How hard is it to maintain? I heard that small tanks are more difficult?
a nano tank is simply a saltwater fish tank that is small i guess you could say it is in the eye of the beholder but its not going to be over 30 gallons in my point of view
yes they are harder to maintain because the water capacity is small so your concentrates will be harder to maintain
BTW (by the way)how big were you tinking but if money isnt a issue for you fright now or if you arent looking to get into the hobby for another month or so i would say
go with the largest tank you can possibly afford and look around at diff places but not at ***** since there prices are rediculous but i went form a 12 gallon to a 30 gallon and soon to a 75 gallon so there was some wasted money but my freshwater is going into the 30 so its not too bad since the 20 gal that my fw fish are in was free!
but best of luck to you if you are new to the hobby!


New Member
Well I have a freshwater tank now. It is 50g, but its not rectangle its a corner tank. I have a lot of guests compliment how it looks. I have it all set up with a tiki theme. Well now I really want to get a saltwater tank. I love how the reef tank looks. My kids like the "Nemo" fish and there are a few other lil fish I just love the looks and colors. I am debating on a nano tank or just using my current freshwater tank. I am in no rush, actually I will probably be moving from FL to TN in 5 months. So I may wait till then. But for now I want to gather all my info and do this right. After I move I amy have room for a bibber tank, I would love a 150-180g tank. But I want to do something with what I have now and I think Clown fish and a few others (Anthias, Basslets, Bienies, Chromis, and Gobies). Not all of them just pick up to 5-6 fish total and a good clean up crew. I also see filtration is nothing like freshwater.
With the nano tank I seen a few pictures on here and they just look amazing. I think it would make a great addition in a say a living room or dining room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sal329
Well I have a freshwater tank now. It is 50g, but its not rectangle its a corner tank. I have a lot of guests compliment how it looks. I have it all set up with a tiki theme. Well now I really want to get a saltwater tank. I love how the reef tank looks. My kids like the "Nemo" fish and there are a few other lil fish I just love the looks and colors. I am debating on a nano tank or just using my current freshwater tank. I am in no rush, actually I will probably be moving from FL to TN in 5 months. So I may wait till then. But for now I want to gather all my info and do this right. After I move I amy have room for a bibber tank, I would love a 150-180g tank. But I want to do something with what I have now and I think Clown fish and a few others (Anthias, Basslets, Bienies, Chromis, and Gobies). Not all of them just pick up to 5-6 fish total and a good clean up crew. I also see filtration is nothing like freshwater.
With the nano tank I seen a few pictures on here and they just look amazing. I think it would make a great addition in a say a living room or dining room.
ok well saltwater can be tricky but heres the thing buy the giggest tank you can afford bcs i am regretting it now cus i want that 75 gallon but parents are aginst it at the moment cus i bought a 30 gallon and suupies like 1 and a half months ago so maybe in a a year so im going to do a reef on the 30 gallon and for nano the lfs will tell you 1 inch per 2 gallons..thats GARBAGE i would do 1 inch per 5 gallon cus it will get crowded creating a bio load then your concentrates go up killing you fish so depends on how big the tank what kind of fish you can have so nano maybe only 2 or 3 fish if its smaller than a 30 gallon. im at school so i will ge tmore into it when i get home if you have anymore questions.
get a good book till then though