Nano update


Verry nice!!!
Do you have a skimmer on that, because i have been searching for one small enough for my 10 gallen nano.


ok you dont necesserily have to get a small skimmer, they have protien skimmer that hang on the back of your tank. but then again if your going for a small one because of cheaper prices and unnecessary power then i see what you mean and would also like to know where to get one:)


Active Member
I mean we live in the same town,:D
I go there too , they know me well there, I live in maplewood addition, behind home depot, University and Ramlblewood,
where you at?


im in countrywood park near ramblewood elementary school. i go to beverly's atleast 2 times a week. they are getting to know me pretty well there too. nice to know some intown nano reef owners. would i need a skimmer for my tank? if so, would i need it soon. i just checked my parameters and they sort of boomed. ammonia is a little above 0, not that much tho. nitrits are .25. nitrates are 10. i put some cycle in and im going to test it again in a little while. any helpful suggestions?


Active Member
I would say you dont need a skimmer if your tank is cycled and you do regular water changes, you have all you listed in that 10 gallon? what kind of slugs do you have?


well i dont know the names. i can give you a detailed description.
slug one: yellow with black stripes going down his body. his fron tentacles are orange and his little plantlike tentacle thing in the back is orange. he looks awsome. just got hime yesturday.
slug two: reddish purple outlined with white trim, with orange front tentacles and darker purple back plant thing.
how should i do water changes? and when? and when i do them what kind of water should i put back in the tank?


Active Member
Email me at, maybe you can come see my tanks and I can put you in the right direction on some things,
First your slugs require a special diet do you know what they feed on?, water changes should be done when your bioload gets high, once a month or maybe once a week, depends How old is your tank?


Active Member
Lookin sweet plum. I dig that cowfish. He's cool. Completely reef safe? Hmmm... time to post a thread.
Long time no see man. Hope everything is going well. :cool: