Nano wannabee


Okay, I have the 220 going pretty darn good at home, now I need something at the office. Over the last few years I have wasted alot of time and money on garbage equipment. So since there seems to be a fair amount of experienced nano reef people here I thought I would ask your opinion on what to get.
I have a 10 gallon tank right now, dying to be a nano. My plans are some zoos, shrooms, maybe a candy cane or two. I want a pair of clowns with a anemone. I have a healthy splitting BTA in my 220 so right now I plan on grabbing one of the three and putting it in the nano.
So unless somebody sees a no-no wioth my plans, what are your suggestions for the following:
1. Lights
2. Filtration
3. Heating/Cooling
Appreciate comments good or bad and any experiences you have had that you wish nobody knew about. :)


Hey, I used to have a 10 gallon nano. I have heard that you should not keep annemones in nanos. But i have seen it done. If you do get an anemone then you should get MH lighting. If you just want to keep soft corals i would get the coralife 96 watt pcs. Thats what i used to have on my tank.


Thanks ReefDude. I have read some posts about the BTA concerns in a small tank. Hopefully some others will chime in on this. I don't want to kill my BTA. I do have a 96watt PC on my refugium at home that I was going to use for this tank. If eveyone really considers the MH important for the BTA then I will probably nix the idea of putting him in there.