Nano's 12g Aquapod


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
Got mine for $30 at a frag swap.. Wish i had another for my 24gallon
Carlos how much are they in miami?
well from 40-50 per head. and depends on which lfs. were i order my duncan (strictly) it was 10 a head. and at exotic aquariums it was 15 a head.


Active Member
fantastic tank. I dont know anything about corals, so i wanted to ask you what do you feed corals?
thanks by the way awesome tank!


Active Member
Thanks.. I dont really do anything, just always stays around 8.3
Prolly the salt i use doses whats needed for it.. I use Oceanic Salt


Active Member
nice tank! I had a x-mas tree coral years ago. at first it was nice but after a while it would open all night and stay closed during the day which was useless for me. Looked just like yours though. one of the few non photosynthetic corals easy to keep alive without gorging with food.