Naso and a Hippo?


Can I have a Naso and a Hippo in a 125 gallon, if it is 6 feet long.? And which to add first?
They would be with a Mandarin, Percula clown, and a Royal Gramma...... Invertebrates: Clams, Blue Linkia
And they wouldn't ever bother a Mandarin, would they?


Any opinions at all?
Does anyone have a Naso, and if so can you tell me what size your tank is........and some about them?

ed r

My opinion (I only have a small Hippo) would be add the Hippo first. They are rather shy at first and like to hide and lie on their sides. Once they adjust, they are more active and out in the open. I think the Naso is normally active in open water. He might bother a new Hippo. I don't think a Hippo is likely to bother a new Naso, especially if the size is similar or larger. Good luck.


Thanks for answering me Ed, and that's a great idea cuz I thought the Hippo's tended to be more shy!
Do you think a 125 is too small for a Naso, being a over a foot fish with a 6 foot tank. ? I want one so bad, but I don't want to be mean.:(

ed r

If the Naso were purchased in a small size, I feel that you could keep him for a long time in the six foot tank. You would just have to accept that if it were healthy and grew properly, there would come a time when you would need to trade him in or get a larger tank.


A 125 is about the max I can try and afford right now, so I guess I should give up the Naso. I would get too attached, already being my favorite fish and that would be more depressing to give him away.
I'd aready decided that I think I'll go the Hippo with the Purple route, so Jwtrojan just confirmed that's a much better idea. Good to hear they were a combo that you thought of too. Hippo should be introduced first, being more peaceful?
And on the Purple: He's listed as an aggressive fish.........would he be cool with smaller fish, like the Mandarin and Royal Gramma.?:p


So, basically the purple is nasty to "all" fish, not just other tangs. I really only wanted the purple in the Zebrasoma species.
The black is cool, and yes he hardy? Do you have one?


I don't think it will matter too much on which one goes in first as long as the Naso isn't too large. Both of those fish are pretty peaceful. I have a Blond, Vlamengii, Brevirostris, and a Unicornis all together and they get along fine - never any aggression at all. As you can tell the Naso tangs are my favorite. I find them hardier than other tangs as well - but they get BIG.
Black tangs are sweet - I don't dare get one now cause unlike my other tangs my powder blue is a real butt and those things are a little pricey!


How big is your tank, being a lover of Nasos, like myself. I just can't get myself to like any as much, besides the Hippo. And you have a Powder Blue! (my other fav). How is that going for you, hardy wise, other than being a butt.
O.k 3 questions at ya: You live in Everett...Guess that's a ways away, but do you know of any great fish stores locally, maybe a little south. I'm looking for a tank and a great place to shop.


My tank is 8 feet long and 2 feet wide. Including the sump and refugium the total volume is a little over 300 gallons.
The best shop in my opinion is aquarium concepts in North Seattle off of Hwy 99. Get in there sometime. No pics right now cause I am switching to a DSB currently...
I have a grey angel, a majestic angel, and a lemonpeel as well.


Well, I guess I'll have to find a much bigger tank so I can have my Naso or who knows? After what Jwtrojan says, I don't think I want the Purple either.
Thanks guys for all your advice and help. I'll consider it all, and try to check out that store sometime!:p


This is completely off the topic, but what's the black dot in the middle of the envelope mean? Just curious..........looking up the different response signs down below.:p