Naso needs Help


New Member
ok, I added a naso tang and huma trigger to my 90 gal tank about 5 days ago. I had nothing else in the tank except for 5 damsels and a red coris wrasse who enjoys the sand bed. The tank has been up and running for 6 months now. Stupidly, I added the fish into the tank without quarantining them first. At first they seemed alright. Two days after adding them I noticed the Naso had several white spots under one of its pectoral fins and the huma starting to rub against the rocks. Since the tank is a fish only, I decided to do a hyposalinity to kill what I believe was ick. Now I have notice an open sore behind the pectoral fin of my poor Naso. :( Please help.
The filtration is a wet/dry with a UV sterilizer.


Staff member
Doing hypo on a 90g is a lot of water changes!
Have you noticed any aggression? How big is the sore?


New Member
no, the huma is only about 2.5 inches and rather passive. The sore is about 1/4 of an inch in diameter and the fish is about 4.5 inches long


Staff member
That's pretty big. You just noticed it? Has it been getting bigger? Does it look infected, bloody?
I would not rule out aggression. See if you can keep an eye on your tank wo your fish noticing that you are looking at them.


New Member
I noticed it early today. I noticed a white spot in the same area and thought it was just discoloration from stress two days ago. Today I finally noticed the sore. No bleeding, just a white pit in the side of its body. I will keep on checking up on him.