Naso Tang Eating/Not eating


New Member
I have a Naso Tang, He has been in my tank for a little over Three weeks now, He looks to be very healthy and happy, the only thing is, he will only eat Seaweed selc. and a LOT of it, he will not touch anything else at all. I am worried about his nutritional needs or should I say the lack of them, any tips or recommendations would be of great help. Thank-you


Keep giving him the sea weed selects, but he has to eat something else with protein. Try frozen mysid shrimp, if it wont eat that, try live black worms or live brine shrimp. Good luck!
DannyB, I have a naso tang and worried about what you are worrying about right now, when I first got him. He would only eat nori and sometimes seaweed selects, so I was worried he would not get all the vitamins and nutrition. And then I remembered, tangs eat algae and seaweed all day long in the wild and only rarely eat meats. So don't worry about it. My naso eats nori and seaweed selects almost exclusively, and occasionally will eat frozen brine shrimp, but thats it. And thats all he needs. Anybody that tells you a tang NEEDS other food than algae or seaweed doesn't know what their talking about. In the wild tangs eat other meaty things occasionally, but the main bulk of their diet is greens. Just keep the nori and seaweed selects coming and your naso will be a hog in no time. Goodluck, Jollygreen