Naso Tang Floating at Bottom of tank... HELP anyone has a solution that works?

paul anonymous

New Member
i know from my experienced of some marine fish i've had in the past once it got to this situation where the fish is just floating at the bottom of my tank its pretty much at the end. Anyways, my naso tang end up not making it. it passed away within the 24hours after i noticed his swimming behavior(lazy, didnt had the energy to swim around). Changes i made before: i begin my freshwater dip. i completely understand i took the RISK of setting him into the freshwater dip (48hrs of dropping salinity to 0.09). Had 2 tang at the time in my QT powder brown tang. They were both catching the ich and hoping they can both recover from the ich after a week of waiting. Ich tend to get stronger the second wave from research i read so i tried to prevent that. before placing my Naso to my DT i had him in my QT (10g) 2.5 weeks later. He hardly ate anything i gave him (all type of dried seaweed: red,purple,green,brown= no bites). also i did give him pallets, frozen foods and still no nips or bites and just completely ignore it floating in front of his face. I've tried kent garlic, kent vitamin C, and a few other suppliments thats are known to be good for Tang. With that all said i was just curious to see if anyone out there knows any solution to this problem? i've solved the problem on how to get rid of ich, puffy eyes, Laterial disease but i cant tend to find a way to cure or revive them just floating at the bottom(i think its known as a gill disease). I understand that him not eating the food i gave him didnt help to come in the conclusion. I am sure he has been picking on my LR (1 LR) in the QT and also some on the sand and the glass (if there is any) otherwise he wouldnt had survived over 2weeks. tangs has been known to survive without completely eating for a good period of 7days (more or less), from what i researched. So anyways, thats the background history of what went on. My water condition is good-near perfect. im 80% sure that me starting my freshwater dip to my QT may had greatly caused naso tang to behave this way. Has anyone been succesful in curing this? please message me or email me since im VERY new to writing a Forum. I am not even sure if this will all go through. Hopefully! I just like to prepare myself in the future event if i end up coming across this once again. Btw the status of my powder brown tang: is doing very well in the freshwater dip. He is well fed from the start. he had no problem in eating. If anything he has been eating too much. is the only reason why i didnt move him to my DT because i assuming the left over food of the dried seaweed he would tear up was the only thing that might had been feeding the naso tang. by doing that my naso tang passed on the ich to my powder brown tang over time. here in a few weeks my powder tang will be ready to be transfer to my DT.
Please, i hope i get a reply from someone soon.
anyways i hope this all made sense to everyone who reads this forum? HAPPY REEFING EVERYONE

mr. limpid

Active Member
First off when buying a fish you need to inspect them for spots and patches, also make the LFS feed them, if they don't eat for them it will not eat for you. If you are buying on line forget the above and hope you have a good return policy. Second QT everything wet for at least 3 weeks if all is well then acclimate them into DT. Fresh water dipping is major stress on already sick fish and will not remove encrusted ick, returning them to tank were there is already ick present has accomplished nothing. To remove ick there only two proven methods copper or hypo, both need full treatment and a 3 weeks verification period to make sure ick is gone B4 going into DT.

paul anonymous

New Member
im very aware of that. Thank You for your time! FYI the Naso tang was bought through Blue Zoo Aquatics (thats my fault if i left that info. out, not your fault)

paul anonymous

New Member
What i was asking and needing an answer of how to cure a fish when they start floating at the bottom of tank and having trouble swimming. (Kinda like/is a gill disease). Near death. I was unsuccessful in reviving her(yes,female naso). Drip accumulation used introduce her into my QT. All 6 marine life survived but her. Like i mentioned she hardly ate and that really affected her health! And im looking if anyone was sucessful in reviving one in similar situation? If so, what/How/and Why?
Thank you.
Happy reefing!

mr. limpid

Active Member
Most likely since you saw ick spot originally it was ick as theronts stage free swimming looking for a host. There are hundreds of them in the water that get into and block the gills. The fish can't breath so they lay on the bottom gasping for oxygen. Only cure for that is relocate to a new tank perf. a QT tank with fresh water and start treatment. Hopefully the fish is strong enough to recover. There are no quick cure for ick, as I stated B4 fresh water dip is very stressful to already stressed fish. What I do when getting a new fish is QT and start hypo after the 3rd day giving them enough time to adjust to there new surroundings B4 changing there environment. By doing this you add 2 weeks to the normal 3 week QT time. I look at this way when you get a new puppy you take them to the Vet. and get all its shots, so I treat them for ick, de worm them and add vitamins and garlic to there food, while in QT.

paul anonymous

New Member
mr. limpid. Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it. Thats some good suggestions. I normally like to wait a week or two before deciding whether or not to start a freshwater dip to the newcomer in my QT. It just sucked to see my naso go as i sit and watch almost helplessly. i tried everything i could to revive her but i was unsuccessful. She had already been so weak from her not eating anything i had tried feeding her. i tried ALL sort of food. the only thing i didnt try was feeding her Live Mysis shrimp. But the only way of getting my hands on them is purchasing it through online. My LFS do not carry them at all. After 2.5 weeks later in the QT, and me beginning the freshwater dip(i had to start it because it was either TWO FISH GONE or Just one) i noticed her starting to be less active and her floating at the bottom of the sandbed as she is struggling to stay up float thats when i knew i was going to be beyond my knowledge of trying to cure/revive her back to help. I will add there was a few hour of the day where she started to looked revived but she just wasnt strong enough to recovery. SUCKS. maybe next time i will take your idea in consideration!
Thanks again and Happy Reefing

mr. limpid

Active Member
Just a few suggestions for your next purchase. Only have 1 fish at a time in QT, reason:they don't feel threaten nor have any competition for food. QT are smaller than DT so the smaller tank is bad enough for the fish. Keep an eye on your pram's test every day. Have bottle of Amquel+ or prime on hand, have batch of fresh salt water ready to do a 50% water change. You mention live mysis, live brian shrimp are easier to get or raise yourself. Not good food but might get a finicky eater started.

paul anonymous

New Member
Yeah i figured it was going to be a real risk having more than one fish especially tangs in my one Qt but i am sure now i wont be doing that again. And yes, i do have all those in hand for just in case At all time. So can you tell me Btw exactly what prime do exactly. Ive always consider buying prime but never really put too much thought on it?