Naso Tang looking weird


So I just got a Naso tang Saturday and he has been doing wonderful, no problem with any other fish, swimming, eating etc. YES all my water levels are good...YES I have tons of rock work.....yadda yadda yadda. He is only 2 1/2 inches ling so for now I have him in a 75 gal that has been set up and established for 6 months.
BUT he is now getting these small dark spots all over the upper portion of his body. He also has a few on his tail this a type of ick possibly? I know these guys turn shades of colors but I thought it was like larger white spots...these are VERY small, about the size of ick but not white.
PLEASE advise if anyone has any thoughts or are that familiar with Naso Tangs.


what is a formalin bath?? how do you do that?
will my other fishes also catch it? do i need to quaranie all of them now?


wow i seriously hate tangs...I have had 2 yellows and both of them got ich and died.....then I thought ok my tank is been up for awhile everything is going perfect...lets get this naso that is onsale for $15. I get him and now this......
I looked closer and not only do i see black spots on him....i now noticed about 7 WHITE spots on him as now he seems to have regular ich as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it is worse in the morning I am just taking the guy back and NEVER gettting another tang.
What do I treat first if he has both????????????????????


i think first you need to decide if you can return him back so its better .
but anyway look on your other fish for any infect , i believe that they are or will ...
and i think you need to start with the formalin bath first.
do you have QT?


no other fish have anything... just spent 20 minutes trying to catch him and it is impossible with all the rock.....I dont have the patience for this crap...everything was fine until i put tangs in both times.
he will most def be going back when I catch him!
how urgent is it that i get him out tonight...can i wait until morning or will that harm my other fish?
What are the odds my other fish willnow get this????


wait till the morning then take him out and try to return him.
75 gallon it's a small tank for naso tang and he get stress quick . if you can return him it's the best things .
watch the fish and see if they ok . i don't know if you have QT but if not it's a good idea to add it , it will save a lot of headache and money......


how is a 75 gal too small for a 2 1/2 inch naso for only 3 days...i mean he was eating and completely fine.
anyway....YES i aheva qt and I finally caught him. I put him in there and am taking him back tomorrow....but since he has ich Im sure that wont give me anything back....if my other fish get sick im gonna be pis sed! so is that likely now? that have been in there a couple months, tomato tang, lemonpeel, purple pseudochromis, blue yellowtail (NON aggressive).


maybe yes and maybe no but watch the fish and see what happened , hope for you that they will be clean.
75 gallon tank it's a small tank for a naso tang even if he 2.5 inch , the swim a lot and a plenty space. and since you have QT it was a good idea if you Quarantine the fish before you put him in your main tank .... for the next fishi suggest you to do so.
if you not going to credit back buy this medicine and treat the fish with formalin bath


Active Member
Originally Posted by bluephi115
PLEASE advise if anyone has any thoughts or are that familiar with Naso Tangs.
Not trying to flame,but if you have a QT tank...why did'nt you use it ? You could have avoided having this problem .
Naso tangs need lots of swimming room as they will grow to over 16" and should never be kept in too small of a tank, regardless of their size.


here is what makes NO sense.....a 2 1/2 inch naso wont survive 3 days in a 75 gal with LOTS of live rock but it will do fine in a 5 gal qt with little live rock...makes no sense to me at all.
I didnt qt him becuase the lfs had him for 2 weeks and he was fine...I buy from them all the time...I acclimated him for 3 hours.
so 5 gal for a month ok.....75 gal 3 days bad....
I didnt plan on keeping him when he got even cloe to 16 inches....I could though keep him for a year or so and when he got bigger traded himin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bluephi115
here is what makes NO sense.....a 2 1/2 inch naso wont survive 3 days in a 75 gal with LOTS of live rock but it will do fine in a 5 gal qt with little live rock...makes no sense to me at all.
I didnt qt him becuase the lfs had him for 2 weeks and he was fine...I buy from them all the time...I acclimated him for 3 hours.
so 5 gal for a month ok.....75 gal 3 days bad....
I didnt plan on keeping him when he got even cloe to 16 inches....I could though keep him for a year or so and when he got bigger traded himin.
you confusion makes perfect sense.he most likly came from a 10 -15 gal tank in the LFS.while you have him in qt just treat the ich.I suggest coppersafe its a one dose for a 30 day treatement feed him well to help regain his imune system to keep the water a little cleaner you can use a hang on back filter such as whisper or aquaclear coppersafe can be used with carbons and normal filteration.this fish has a better chance of servival with you than the LFS.hes a small fish a month in this tank is not going to do any more damage than the ich itself.and yes he will be fine in a 75 gal for some time they dont grow that fast.
fed him well and maintain water quality you may be lucky and he will pull through.this is something all tang keepers have to deal with at least once.


thanks for all the tips everyone...I took him back to the lfs today....They will refund my money if he survives...50/50 is what I am guessing. all my other fish are fine..i checked the water levels again just to make sure and everything is still perfect.


Active Member
Copper should not be used on tangs.On the contrary,it will break down their immune system,and wreaks havoc on their internal organs.I don't use copper,as fish will become immune to it anyway.
Yes,you may do what you is your choice.


I agree with the post above, most tangs will do fine if you take the time to QT. and feed properly. I have a Naso and Powder blue in a 125 going on 10 years this summer never an issue......


my question was WHY would a tang get stressed in a large 75 gal tank but NOT get stressed in a 5 fal qt?
that defies all logic to me unless I am missing something?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bluephi115
my question was WHY would a tang get stressed in a large 75 gal tank but NOT get stressed in a 5 fal qt?
that defies all logic to me unless I am missing something?
Many possibilities.....
There are other fish present in the system that could possibly torment or pick on the animal. I assume you can not monitor the system 24/7 so just because you do not see aggession does not mean it does not take place. It does not have to involve physical injury...just chasing can do it.......,and it does not have to be constant. This does not allow a periof for the animal to "settle in".
In a QT, a fish is able to be free of aggressors. IMO, a 5 gallon tank is too small to QT a Naso Tang....but that is JMO.
Tangs are among the fist fish in a system to show signs of ich. many feel they are somewhat fragile so this is why they are "ich magnets". Actually, IMO it is their smooth-like and velvet-like "skin texture" which allows the parasite to easily attach.
Also, you may have stray voltage in your system which can cause stress on tangs.
You best monitor your system the disease is present in your system if you have correctly diagnosed the situation.