Naso Tang Question



I currently have a small 2-3 inch naso tang and have had him for about 2 1/2 monthes. One thing i have noticed is that sometimes his color will be great and very vibrant while some other times he will be very dark but then change to bright again. (he never stay dark for a long time) Any ideas?


all naso species do this...i have a vlamingi tang that does this as well. when nothings bothering them and they're happy go lucky theyare bright in color. if they are mad or stressed they become darker in color.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Yep, their color changes with their mood and stress level.

I agree, it could be something as small as the lights turning on or off. The fish will react to little things like that so it might not be a fish that is stressing it at all. Your little guy (or gal) is just showing normal behavior