Naso Tang


New Member
Hey there i have a 90 gallon tank that has been set up for almsot a month. I trust my lfs because i have been there since i was a it opened 20 years ago and i am personal friends with the owner. Anyways they tell me that i can throw in a Naso tang now as long as it is by itself. My water levels are perfect and i have had mushrooms and other polyps growing and healthy. I bought live sand, live rock and, natural "live water" when i set the tank up. Right now i have 4 chromis which i would take out to leave the tang by himself because i really want to take advantage of the sale. This is my favorite fish and would otherwise not be able to afford it. any input would be great!


Personally, i dont think you should keep any large tang sp. in anything smaller then a 6 foot tank, especially a naso. But if you get a small one you will be any to keep him for a least a year or two before you would have to upgrade to a larger tank.


New Member
well what about time wise? ill deal with the size issue when i get there. i was just wondering if the tank is too young because this is my favorite fish


You should IMO wait at least six weeks to add any fish. I waited 4 months before adding any big fish. If the naso is small it would be ok in that size tank but as it grows it will get stressed from not having enough room. I have a 6' tank and my naso is always going from end to end to end to end to end:D He makes me feel like I'm watching a tennis match. The only time he stops is to eat some seaweed. But I would be a little leary of putting him in so soon. Good Luck. P.S. If they sell out at SWF they will get some back in at one time or another. Patience is the key to fish longevity.


If I remember right the normal price was only 10 more. I didnt see that they were on sale. hold on im going to but one. OH oh just got the last on it seems cause after I bought it the sign changed to wish list. JUST KIDDING sorry couldn't help my self. But I don't think they are that much more when they are not on sale. Hey maybe you could buy it and have your LFS hold it to give your tank a couple more weeks. Just a thought


IME Nasos are one of the hardier tangs, if your tank is fully cycled it may be okay, but you may want to wait until you get some algae growth. I would also say that the fish will outgrow a 90. Mine is about 13" and still growing. It is in my 125 now, but will be going to the 240 real soon. If you can't provide a larger tank down the road I would say to pass.
Here is a blurry picture.


Here is another. Sorry for the quality, my digital camera is real generic.


New Member
thanks for the input. i knew that eventually it would outgrow my tank but im getting a 3-4 inch fish i think i will be able to enjoy him long enough. and as far as algae i am getting alot of good algae growth the guys at the lfs said it would be ok but im just skeptic when it comes to spending 50-60 dollars on a fish.


New Member
have any of you ordered from im skeptical about it and i dont really understand the guarantee.