naso tang


i bought a baby naso tang 2 weeks ago its doing well. but i'm not sure what kind.its all light gray with yellow bottom fin . does anyone have an idea what kind of naso tang i have.i thought it was hawian but not sure.or is he to young to tell yet. ?# 2 how fast do they grow?
hope someone can shed some light on this for me thanks


Active Member
Agree, blonde seems to be the one. They grow fast and need at least a 100 (6 ft.) tank as they will get big!
I cordially request that you please inquire about a purchase BEFORE actually doing so in the future. Good luck.


flamehawk i do have 125 gal. tank long. the problem i have is the lfs around here don't know what they are selling a few times i gotting a fish and it was not what they said it was. tried a few lfs too.i got a wrasse they said it was wardly wrasse, but its not its lunar wrasse .


Active Member
tiff- I share your pain. In general I check all advice given by lfs'. Have found very few who really have hte hobbiest interest in mind. In a way I can understand since they have to maximize profits but in the long run they are hurting themselves since a good hobbiest will avoid them in time. It's definately buyers beware and luck of the draw to find a good one. We should probably start a post to have everyone give a list of the best lfs' in there areas. And we may be able to compile and endorse .
125 should be fine for Naso. What else do you have in the tank?. Again the best of luck.
PS- If you live in central NJ, there is a new lfs which so far seems to be giving some real sound advice on the hobby.
Best of luck!!


thanks for your advice flamehawk i'm still new at this hobby of saltwater fish, been doing it last september knock on wood only lost 1 tamato clown he got beet up by my clarki's and lost one coral cat to red banded shrimp


Active Member
tiff- The dragnets( mandarins) are tough to keep alive. In order to have a chance you will need to add more live rock. They will eventually eat all the live critters available on the 30 lbs of lr. Would recommend you slowly add more lr over time instead of more fish . Should try to get up to about 110-125 lbs. minimum. Lr also provides great bio filter capacity.
I'm real glad to see you are being patient with adding fish. Use tyhe same discipline w/ the lr and you will be well on your way to success. Keep posting and good luck!!


flamehawk thats what i'm going to be working on now is my live rock .and turbo snails for my alge. i know the tang is going to get big and don't want to crowd him ,for dragonets/scooter blannies they been eating alot of fish food that sinks to the bottom.but i'm am going to work on my live rock.thanks you been a great help


I would think you probably have a Hawaiian Naso and not a blond - they all have yellow/orange bottom fins. It depends on the color of the top fin - black is hawaiian.


If the top fin is black it's not a blonde.
As far as the lfs not knowing what they're selling--(at the risk of defending the lfs') some fish go by lots of different names. Like the lunare for example--aka lyretail, aka moon wrasse. Or take the picasso trigger also called a huma huma. There are too many examples to state. Good Luck


No brother got a Hawaiian just so it would be different than mine. To me they are definitely just as cool. I love my Naso. Lots of personality although he is eating me out of the home! I saw one at my LFS that was easliy 18 inches....incredible fish.

here fishy

Here is an idea that might help the mandarins and tangs. But bunches of sea grapes. Yes they are a live plant, but the tangs love them And if your local shop sells them to you right in the bag they come in the will have ample amounts of copepods to keep the mandarins happy for a short while. They also like live brine. Even if yours eat frozen brine the live stuff is better for them......My naso is the prize of my tank... <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


New Member
here fishy
Thanks for your help in your reply on the Blond Tang, i got mine from Fish and She or He is drop dead Beautiful and that’s what I'm trying not to happen. My Moorish Idol eats me out of house and home and I have a Tang in a semi Reef with walls of green and not eating. My local has been out of Live so that’s all I haven’t tried. I was ready to try a salad from MacD’s next. "Sea grapes & Shrimp!!"


here is my blond naso... the king of my tank. they will grow very quickly until they reach about 8" then there growth startes to slow (at least that is what I've seen with mine) i love him
he's is a eating machine!!!!!!!! he will chow down on any greens you put in the tank Mine loves Broccli (sp) it rips it off the clip and runs around with it in his mouth. very funny!!:D