naso tang

i have a new tank and am beginning to do some research on different fish of interest.
the naso tang is one i would love to have, but my tank is 75g and i read it requires 90g minimum. does anyone have one in a 75g tank? how large do they get and what other type of fish would get along with it?
i currently have 2 fire fish, 1 lawnmower blenny, 10 nasarius snails, 10 hermit crabs large and small, 1 star.
50lbs live rock, 40lbs live sand, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp. 2 mushrooms, 2 polyps 1 leather tree, 1 toadstool.
i am not looking to add this fish for several months to a year, as i will be adding about 50lbs more live rock.
just doing research.


any of the fish in naso genus will be too big for your tank,i would say the ONLY tang that should even be considered is the kole/yellow eye tang. some will say a yellow will work,but that has been debated for a long time. i would stick with some dwarf angels,fairy wrasse,a pair of clowns something like that. the fire fish and lmb are great fish. good luck,you have come to the right place for info.

bang guy

I don't even think a 90 is appropriate for a Naso. They are open water swimmers. I wouldn't put one in a tank shorter than 6 feet but 8 feet would be much better.
They get to 18".