Naso Tang


I have a large Naso Tang who doesn't want to eat anything except culpera and I have a very limited amount of that. I've tried seaweed selects, brine shrimp and others, and romaine lettuce. Nothing works. Anyone know what to feed him? Thanks!


I have had my naso for a little over a year now and he eats anything i put in the tank. I may get lamed on this but he loves flake and brine. You could try broccoli (believe it or not mine loves it) and or romaine lettuce.
You could also not feed it for a day or two and he will end up going for what ever you stick in the tank. Formula 1 or 2, turns his head at it.
Keep trying, it will be either starve or take what you get kind of thing.


Thanks for the response, I'm really hoping he doesn't starve. He does eat culpera, but I only have a little of that. Have you noticed with yours if his color dulls with stress?


My Naso loves Seaweed Selects. He also likes Mysis Shrimp but won't eat Brine. Keep experimenting with what you feed him. Try different things and hopefully you'll throw in something he likes. Good Luck!!!